The fate of the shadowboxing chemist

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Vera's eyes scanned the ground, instantly finding the objects her sister had dropped being carted away by a group of unnaturally big roaches. In one fluid motion, she dive-bombed the group and with brute strength tore the metal can into two, causing the liquid within to gush out to the waiting floor; she had originally planned to elaborately mix the liquids together in a neat, handy spray can but fork all that

She tore off what remained of her vermin eaten shirt and used it to lap up the horribly smelling insecticide. Time seemed to freeze as she opened the bottle of holy water and let its contents drench through her already insecticide soaked ex shirt.

She didn't waste any time gloating over her new invention before she split the soaked cloth into two strips and wrapped it around her fist like a professional boxer. She heard the crunch of what had to be a bone breaking and unthinking she struck.

In the instant it took vera to wind back her hand for a punch, she caught the tiniest of glimpses of its smiling face and made a connection. She knew why she hated its face so much, hated its smile so much.

It was the same smile her father gave her from the front row of the church each day, It was the same smile he gave her every day he came from work and the same smile he had on his face on the last day he breathed

She twisted from her waist in a violent spasm, throwing all her anger and hate into the sidearm punch aimed dead centre of its lower back. Memories of every time she had thrown a punch flooded her brain, she remembered the last time she had ever thrown a punch, the day she had vowed never to throw another. It was a punch like this one, aimed at the only person she had ever hated completely, the punch that sent the worst monster she had ever known to an early grave.

Two hundred and twenty pounds of pure force, flesh, bone and hatred collided with flesh and chitin in an unstoppable drive, sending shockwaves through its body and breaking through everything it touched like a flaming arrow through wet paper. The workd stopped for a moment as if to commemorate that instant when her hit struck home then just as quickly resumed.

A sizzling gaping hole in the size and shape of a fist appeared on its lower back where her fist connected, smoke and a whitish-brown liquid emerged from its wound. However, if it was hurt it didn't show it; its smile was still as wide as ever and it still held Erha in the same unrelenting Vice-like grip. It seemed almost happy

Another sickening crunch reverberated through the air

Hate, Anger,fear and frustration coursed through Vera's Veins leading her to a place no human should ever go.

Whether she blacked out or things just happened too quickly, Vera would never know, but when she came to, she found herself straddling what was left of its fallen form and hammering punches into its face.

"You still don't get it, do you," it said to her, although it barely had any face left, it still kept the smile "ssilly birthday girl"

Its eyes rolled back in its head and Vera was suddenly thrown off as its body started to spasm violently. Vera realized that this could mean one thing


Vera watched helplessly as time seemed to move backwards on its body, taking it steadily backwards to when it was in prime condition. She tried to move, to do something that will stop or at least stall this process that could very well spell doom But she couldn't get her body to move, she couldn't even twitch her tiniest toe; it was game over

It was then Vera noticed the woman that she hadn't noticed before, the woman that was her little sister. Her eyes were alight with the same purplish glow, her body seeming untouched by everything that had happened

She made her way slowly and regally, like royalty towards the trashing beast, going on her knees and placing both hand firmly on the sides of its head. She bent her head so close to its face that Vera would have mistaken it for a kiss

"Dios migo, hasta el proximo, " She said, In a tone that was gentle and kind but also commanding, a mother to a dear stubborn little child.

As soon as she pronounced the words, It started howling as a shockwave seemed to course from it's head to its entire body, exploding outwards through the room and continuing on for miles and miles.

Vera felt relief wash through her sore body as she saw it disintegrate," This is the end" she thought to herself but she couldn't be more wrong. For Vera, this was only the beginning, things were only about to get much worse


"In the centre of a forest at thee centre of the lake where it had all begun, the thing at the lake heard her child's death cry as clearly as If she was right next to it.

Her baby.... Her beautiful baby. Her boy who didn't hurt anyone

The emotional torrent threatened to drown her, her heart threatened to burst with anguish and the tears flowed freely from her eyes, rejoining the lake.

It was her fault... It was all her fault

The lake which was normally still bubbled like a water pot on fire as its master buried herself In her grief

Even as she shed the bitter tears of anguish, she knew one thing

Even as she shed the bitter tears of anguish, she knew one thing

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