Chapter 5 - Who gave you those bruises?

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I've been in my room for a little bit, just roaming around and looking at all the pretty things

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I've been in my room for a little bit, just roaming around and looking at all the pretty things. I'm a bit scared to touch anything, afraid I'll mess it up or break it.

I went to the bathroom that was connected to my room and decided to get a shower for today. The hot water feels good to my throbbing head and burning ribs.

Soon there's a knock on the bathroom door, "Baylor, baby doll, is everything okay?"

It's Kellan.

"Yeah I'm okay. I just got a shower. I'm putting clothes on now. Is it okay I got a shower?" I should have asked before I got one.

"Oh yes, that's fine. I just finished dinner. I'm going to wait on your bed for you to dress. Okay?"

"Okay" I mumble but he must have heard as I heard him walk away from the door.

I put on the same clothes I already have on, not going to put my pajamas on quite yet.

As soon as I opened the door I walked out to see Kellan just as he said he would be, on my bed, doing something on his phone.

He looked up and smiled, "You ready go to downstairs, baby doll?"

I scrunched my nose, "I'm not a baby doll." I told him, very confused why he called me that.

He kissed my temple and said, "You're my baby doll."

I didn't understand, but I didn't question him more.

We made it to the dining room, and food was laid out on plates, ready to be eaten.

Kellan sat me down on a seat beside him. Everyone was already there, waiting on us to join.

Asher mumbled under his breath, "Took you long enough."

Archer was beside him. "Stop Ash, it's not cool." The twins just glared at each other. What are they mad about? Did I do something?

Everyone started to eat. I looked at the food but didn't pick up anything. Kingston saw me and spoke up,"Bubs, is the food, okay?"

I look at him. "This is for me?"  We had beans, mash potatoes, chicken, and green beans. The boys had some other stuff, but I don't think I would eat it or even be able to with all the food I already have.

Parks rolls his eyes and scoffs, " No it's not yours. It's just in front of you, antagonizing you. Yes stupid, it's yours." He sounds mad at me.

I put my head down. "Oh okay, I'm sorry." Beckett was beside Parks, and I saw Beckett whisper to him and take his phone.

I still didn't eat my food. I don't like my food to touch. I don't like the juice to mix in with my other food. But I don't want to get in trouble for not eating it. I don't want them to give me away.

Kellan softly called out to me, "Baylor, is something bothering you?"

I wring my hands together over and over again, it's certainly is not missed by the boys if their stares tell me anything.

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