Chapter 18 - I need your help

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I'm wanting to have another little paint day with Baylor before we all go back to school

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I'm wanting to have another little paint day with Baylor before we all go back to school. I loved spending time with her, doing something we both enjoy. She asked a lot for my paint and art supplies (which I oblige her with, because how can I say no?). But today, I want to take her out for her to pick her own things.

I will never forget when Kingston took me out to an art store. It's one of the most memorable things we did together. I remember being so excited, and he just told me to run wild with what I wanted. And trust me, I certainly ran wild. He was so supportive of my hobby, what a good brother he is.

I go down to see my little munchkin at the table, eating her fruit pebbles.

"Hey Peanut, would you like to do something with me today?"

She looks up at me, talks with a mouth full of food, "Sure! What are we doing, Chief?"

I laugh, "Well munchkin, I was wondering if you would like to go to the art store and pick out any arts and paints, pencils, ect. that you would want."

Her eyes widened at me. A big grin stretched across her face, "Yes, I want to go with you. I can get my own things?"

"Yeah Baby, you can get whatever you want." Her answering widening grin was all I need to know that she is excited to come.

While she's getting ready, I go to Kingston's office to tell him what we are doing.

I knock and here, "Come in."

"Hey King, I was just letting you know that I'm taking Baylor to the mall to that art store I go to. I thought she would enjoy having some of her own things picked out rather than my old stuff."

Kingston nodded, "Yeah, totally. Just keep a good eye on her, I'm not sure how she'll do with a Saturday crowd at the mall. If she starts getting overwhelmed too much and the stim toys aren't helping, take her back to the car and call me. And if you see anything suspicio..."

I interrupt him, "suspicious, I will call you. Don't you worry, Papa Bear. All your cubs will be kept safe. Not one scratch coming back."

He gave me a glare at his nickname. "At least I love you enough to care if you both survive or not."

I tease him, "Oh really, you care about both of us? I thought it was just Baylor. She certainly is very special to us."

He gets up from his seat. He grabs my head, giving it a kiss on the side, "You know I love you, Kiddo. Please stay safe and have fun."

"We will. Love you too, Bro." After one more much cooler bro hug, I left in search for my little sister, wondering where she ended up to.

Once I see her ready, I grab my wallet and keys, and the list that I have wrote for myself and head out the door with smiles on both of our faces.

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