Chapter 3

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Once I got to my house the sun was already coming up, I flopped into my bead and instantly went to sleep, mentally exhausted with all of the events. Though when I did wake up the sun was already to the west, rubbing my eyes I look over at my alarm clock. ' 5:18 ' I plop my head back on my pillows ' 5:18? I've been asleep for ten hours? fuck..' I lazily pull myself out of the bed and head to the bathroom, looking at myself in the bathroom mirror I see red markings on my face from sleeping on the ripples of my comforter. I sigh noticing I didn't change into something before getting in bed, "I have to do laundry anyway, I'll throw these clothes in with the others."

I wrap myself in a towel, put my uniform in the washer with my other dirty clothes and leave to take a much-needed shower. I turn the nob to the left as far as it goes, these apartments don't have good water heaters so even at the highest setting you get warm water at best. Though there was one time where it was actually steaming, it didn't last long sadly. Having the water run down my back and the shampoo in my hair I feel relaxed, I start to sort through the events that happened last night. Remembering their humanoid forms, Roxy's fluffy hair, Chica's figure, Monty's toned muscles as well as Freddy's bear-like muscle physique and his fluffy bear ears that stayed from his original animatronic form. I realize my mind is lingering on Monty's body, I instantly feel my face heat up so I shake my head to straighten my thoughts out. Soon running my face under cold water because of failing to direct my mind towards something else, I sigh again not knowing why I'm like the way I am. Getting out of the shower I put on some sweats and a long sleeve shirt, knowing I take hour showers I head to the washer to move the clothes to the dryer.

I leave around 10 pm to make it to the Plaza early to see Moon and Sun, I walk into the Daycare then sit behind the security desk and watch Sun with the kids that are wreaking havoc in the play place. I, Sun, and Moon have gotten close over the first couple of weeks of being here, Sun has an outgoing personality and Moon is unique, they were really sweet when we were getting to know each other. Now we are comfortable around each other, Moon and I have gotten into some verbal fights about petty things like where the weird kid blocks go and stupid stuff like that but then it would always come down to us play-fighting or calling each other 'harmful' words. Compared to the other animatronics Sun and Moon are more careful with how they physically interact with others, Maybe it's because they deal with kids, but I've gotten many bruises from Monty or the others but I have never gotten one from Moon or Sun. Makes me feel like I'm not really hanging out with animatronics sometimes, speaking of that, do Sun and Moon have a humanoid form too? I never got to ask Monty that last night.

Throughout the rest of the day before closing Sun would glance at me now and then like something was on his mind, I would smile at him if he stared a bit longer than usual and he would jump and turn his attention back to the kids. When the plaza finally closed and the last kid was picked up from the Daycare I started to help clean up as usual but it bothered me how Sun hasn't said anything at all to me today. " Sun can I talk to you? " He jumped and turned to me " Y-yeah of course! " Sun walks up to me "What's wrong Y/n? " I stack the last blocks together before answering him, " Shouldn't I be asking you that? What's going on with you today Sun?" Sun waves his hands in dismissal " W-what do you mean, Starlight? " I frown and fiddle with my belt " You haven't talked to me at all until I asked you to come here, and your jumpy, whats going on? " Sun was quiet for a minute then leaned down to get closer to me. " Well, Moon and I were worried you might see us differently because of the whole..shifting situation."

I bite my lip " I would be lying if I said that it didn't freak me out. " I look up and see Sun kinda cringe back with what I said, I shift towards him " But... You guys being able to turn into humans won't scare me away... I think it's pretty cool!" Sun perked up and it seemed as if his smile was wider. " Really? you think so Y/n." I nod at him and go in for a hug which he gladly accepts, Sun's and Moon's hugs were very comforting and it feels like you are getting hugged by someone who really cares about you. Still, in his embrace, I ask " Does that mean you have a form too?" I can hear Sun nod " Yes, that is right Sunbite. " I think for a min then ask another question. " Do you and Moon have your own form or.." Sun lightly drummed his fingers on my arm before answering me, " No, we both share one body. Our...Minds or thoughts come together to make one individual." Finding the drumming of his fingers relaxing I sink more into the hug, " Wouldn't that mean you both would be 'here' at the same time?" Sun nods again " C-can I see?"

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