Chapter 6

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Y/n went back to work after the four days she was granted leave, reluctantly Y/n dragged herself out of bed and lazily threw her new uniform on, and headed out of the door not really minding how she looked or how messy her hair was. Y/n arrived right before her shift started unlike before when she would get there an hour before it started, Vanessa stood next to the door waiting for Y/n. When Y/n was close to the front of the PizzaPlex Vanessa shouted at her to get her attention.

" Hey, Y/n! What happened to you? I had to cover your shifts y'know?" Y/n shifted uncomfortably " Family troubles...Thanks for covering for me." she gives a smile to Vanessa to which Vanessa doesn't give back " This will be the only time..." Vanessa walks to her car and drives away leaving Y/n standing in the empty parking lot. ' Fuck you honestly, you're weird anyway...' Y/n secretly mocks Vanessa as she enters the building. Y/n passes the lobby to enter one of the offices and set her belongings on the desk, Y/n scans all of the security cameras to make sure no one is in the building except her, she doesn't want a repeat of what happened. Once she was done she decides to walk around to shake off the lingering fear from that night, maybe walking around might help her get back in the swing of things again.

Lost in thought about how the animatronics might act seeing her again, even though Y/n was only gone for four days it feels like she's been gone for longer to her. Y/n finds herself in the dance area, hearing the familiar music she heads towards the stage, seeing Music man play with the beat of the music. Y/n startles Music Man, he jumps a bit not expecting her to be there, Music man then smiles and turns into his 'human' form and ushers her up the stage next to him. Y/n quickly hops on the stage, Music man pulled Y/n in front of him having her face the music settings, he presses a button, and the rods holding up the DJ set up starts to descend to her height. Y/n could feel his toned stomach pressed against her as he moves to hand towards the set, Music Man starts to show Y/n how he changes the beat to the music or add bass to different parts of the songs. Despite what she went through Y/n feels very comfortable next to Music Man, In fact, Y/n forgot all about it in the time they spent together. Though she was blushing heavily most of the time, after a while Monty shows up to the area not really expecting Y/n to be there.

Monty spots Music Man in his other form confused why he's in that form he looks around the stage, it's not like him to change into his 'human' form without someone him to. Monty spots Y/n in front of Music Man controlling the music and smiling, Monty feels relief that she's back, he thought Y/n had not wanted to come back. Monty turned around and ran to get the others knowing they were worried about the same thing, happiness spread through him when it finally set that she was actually here.

Y/n relaxed into the presence of Music Man, this was the most relaxed she felt in a week, Music Man knew what happened to Y/n, Monty told him the gist of it. He only wanted to make Y/n feel better now, Music Man knew Y/n since she started working here, even though he didn't talk they still bonded quickly and Y/n would rant to him about whatever had ticked her off. Music Man had developed feelings for Y/n quite quickly, having her against him made him feel like he's never felt before; it was a mix of joy and excitement. While letting Y/n lean against him he took over the music with two Hands and with the other two he ran his fingers in her hair occasionally he would run into knots in her hair, softly, he would untangle the strands of hair.

Music Man ran a hand he wasn't using across her stomach causing Y/n to shudder under his touch, but thinking he frightened her he pulled his hand away, then studied Y/n to see if she was doing alright. Y/n's face was read and was clutching his hand that he pulled away, he slowly brought it back to her and smiled, her wanting to be near him brings him relief. They both stood there for a while enjoying each other's company, Music Man had put the setting to auto so he wouldn't have to do much manually, doing that gave him more focus to Y/n making sure she is doing fine. He knows when humans go through something traumatic anything could trigger them to remember what they went through against their will, he didn't want his presence to trigger something like that. Music Man couldn't help but re-think about all of the thoughts he had of Y/n, he knew it wasn't the right time to think about it but she was here, leaning on him. He felt her warmth on his body, he was torn between wanting to shield her from her trauma and wanting to feel her all over. Music Man didn't move not trusting himself fully 'just holding her should be ok' he thought, he could hear voices of the others approaching, he tensed his brow not wanting this mood to be ruined but he knew how they felt.

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