Chapter Sixteen: Deal

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"Is that lipstick?"

I brought my thumb up and wiped at my lip, then brought it back to see a rosy shade on it. I met the eyes of Nex through the computer screen, trying to hide my grin. "Maybe."

Just moments ago, before I came into my hotel room to talk to Nex, I was at Vickie's Pasta with the most desired woman I had ever met right up against me. Her shoving me was probably hotter than her kissing me. She could act as if she hated it all she wanted, but I knew. I knew women and I knew the body, and I knew sounds of pleasure when I heard them. And she liked it just as much as I did.

I let her go, go in her taxi back to wherever she was staying. She could try to calm herself and regain herself but I wouldn't stop. I was having way too much fun with this.

Nex rolled his eyes and groaned. "Did you find her yet?"

I leaned back, placing my arms behind my head. "Yes. I did."

Nex shot up straight in his seat. "What?"

I shrugged. "I found her. Still need to get her."

"What do you mean by that? I need to tell Victor, he'll–"

It was my turn to sit up straight. "No. Nex, you won't do that."

He gave me a weird look. "Why the hell not? Amo, if you think this is some twisted game, then I don't think you're the one for this job."

I narrowed my eyes. "And you are who to tell me that?"

Nex's eyes slightly widened. "No, I didn't mean–"

"You are my Right-Hand." I pulled my arms away from my head. "I am your Boss. I don't have to give you any explanations, but since I value your input, I do." I slowly leaned back, my annoyance receding. "I still need to figure out why she ran. She doesn't seem like the one to run from responsibilities."

Nex nodded slowly. "Sorry, yeah. But what if she wasn't running from them."

I paused. I thought. "She was running towards them?"

Nex nodded then lifted a shoulder, before dropping it. "She dressed like her sister, Amo."

I cringed. Seeing Bellona with the murky brown hair made me feel weird. Something stirred in me when I saw her like that. A weird but strangely familiar feeling. I brought a hand up to touch the scar in my hair. It was a miracle Bellona didn't hit me hard enough to open the wound. It was still healing and the stitches were still there.

"You should get those removed," Nex said, spotting me rub my head.

I nodded. "When I come back I will. It still bleeds sometimes, so I don't know."

A crossfire hit. Civilians down. I hit my head falling backwards and I don't remember anything else. All I do remember is gunfire and a scream.

"She didn't have her contacts in anymore," I told Nex.

Nex's lips pulled into a straight line. "Maybe she kept the lenses just to drive us in another direction."

I smiled slowly. Bellona was a smart woman, and the more I learned of her little escape, the more intelligent she seemed to me. I wouldn't be able to predict her next moves easily. I needed to work to get near her. I needed to properly chase her to get a chance to catch her.

It was the hottest thing ever.

I heard a sound on Nex's end of the call and I watched as he looked down at his phone. "Credit card used at a hotel."

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