Chapter 2

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What's happening? She was enwreathed in fog and not long ago she was passed out in a graveyard. She looks around again, to see the tree she was sat on, she starts walking towards it until she hears a noise In a nearby bush. She stands still and listens in, she fastened her walk to get away from the bush. She got to the tree and picked her bag up. She put the picture back in her diary and put the bag on her back. The sound started to get closer, she could see a tall silhouette walking towards her. She backs up into and tree and closes her eyes hoping nothing happens.

The shadow starts to get closer, she opens her eyes and sees this monster standing in front of her. It had pitch black hair, ocean blue eyes and fangs. She looked closer and it's eyes started to turn a red colour, she started backing away from the thing, ran to the exit of the graveyard but the thing followed her. She kept running until she found a tall grave to hide behind. She could here the foot steps getting closer and closer. She could hear her own heart beat pound out if her chest. The thing jumped out in front of her and prounced at her neck. It bit into her and she was in agony. She screamed at the thing but it put its hand over her mouth. It was sucking her blood, she felt a stream of liquid run down her neck. She bit into the things hand and it pulled away. She looked into its blood red eyes, it looked back into hers. What was this thing?

"why would you bite my  hand you bitch!" Says the thing.
"Wh-what are you... your a monster get away from me!!" She says screaming.
"SHUT UP, someone will hear, and don't call me a monster that hurt my feelings." He said pulling a face.
"You have to come with me now. And stay with me, since you know my little secret." He said staring at the bite mark he left on her neck.
"I'll take you to my house so we can get that cleaned up." He smiled as he grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the grave she was leaning on.
"Close your eyes I don't what you knowing the way to my house."
He said covering her eyes with his hand.

She considered trying to bite his hand again but it was too far up on her face. She tried to open her eyes but as soon as she knew it she was at his house. He took his hand of her face and gestured her to come inside. She looked behind her to see if there was a route of escape she could take but he looked at her with a face that said ' don't even try it or I'll rip your head of'. She walked towards the front door of his house. It was black and the house was massive. She was shaking but she walked in, she didn't want to be fed on again.

"Come here." He said grabbing a first aid kit that was hung up on a coat rack. He beckoned her to come into the kitchen. "Sit." He instructed pointing at a stool. She sat down.
He took out a box of plasters and some disinfectant spray. He wiped the blood of with some tissue, he sprayed the wound with disinfectant. She flinched from the sting of it, he opened the box of plasters and took out a plaster big enough to cover her whole knee. He took the rapping of and placed it on her neck. "There all done." He said smiling at her. She looked at him with and expressionless face. "Why did you bite me." She said.
"I was hungry how else do you expect me to live, and you looked vulnerable. So I took my chance while I still had it." He said looking at her. "What are you?" She said moving back on her seat. "I'm a vampire, I thought you already guessed. I had to bring you home with me because I can't have you telling anyone." He said. "I promise I won't say anything please just let me go." She said pleading to him. "That's what they all say but they always end up spilling something." He said. "Anyway your going to be here for a while so follow me up to the guests room." He said whilst walking out of the kitchen.

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