Chapter 3

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She followed him up the stairs, he lead her to a room with a kings sized bed. Her eyes opened widely in shock at how big the 'guests bedroom' was. It had a french sliding door leading out to a balcony. She walked towards another door and it had a bathroom on the other side. How rich was this vampire dude?

"I'll leave you alone for a bit to get settled in." He said closing the door behind him. The bedroom had a desk, she sat down at it pulling out her diary.

Dear Diary,
          It's me Alex, I went to the graveyard this morning, I don't think it was the wisest choice I've ever made in the world cause guess what.... A vampire bit me. Yes, a vampire. Like what the actual hell. Since when did vampires exist? Your probably thinking what is she on. Well never mind you can't think. Anyway, I had tripped over and passed out on a grave after loosing grip on a picture of me and Olivia. I woke up and all I could see was fog, there was something standing near me so I walked away. But it got closer and I saw it's face. It was the vampire, it's fangs grew out of his gum. I didn't know teeth could grow that quick, his eyes were blue. I ran trying to get away but he caught me. His fangs grew even bigger and his eyes went bloodshot red. He bit into me. I bit him back after screaming, he called me a bitch. He said I had to come with him because I knew his secret.

I need to go home my dad will be fuming with me. I don't know what he will do but I'm scared of him. I'm going to try escape tonight.


She took her shoes and coat off. She jumped on the bed, she was tired so she was going to sleep until later tonight. She tucked herself in and she dropped to sleep. When she woke up it was late, she lifted the warm duvet off of her. She felt the cold hit her warm skin. She grabbed her coat and put her shoes back on, she went to the desk and put her diary in her bag.

She walked over to the sliding door and opened it. A small breeze came in and her hair rushed backwards, she looked outside. She saw a pipe leading down to the floor, she realised how highly she actually was. She climbed into the edge of the balcony, holding onto the fence. She placed her foot onto a piece of metal that was holding the pipe onto the wall. She quickly put her over foot on and and hugged the pipe. She looked down, if she fell from here she'd be dead. She lowered one foot hoping there'd be another piece of metal. There wasn't. She had came to the conclusion that she was going to have to slide down. She took both feet of and slid down to the bottom. She had to slept herself down slowly because her hands were sweating.

She got to the bottom. She walked towards a road, she had no idea where she was. She walked along the pavement hoping she'd find a street she recognised. She kept walking and walking but there wasn't anything she recognised. A cars lights popped up on the road, she put her hand out hoping it would stop. It did. The driver opened their window.

"Hello." He said looking at her with questions.
"Hello, could you tell me where I am?" She said.
"Your on teesha street." He said looking at her.
"Okay thank you." She said walking away from the vehicle.

The man drive of. Shit she said to herself, she was about 2 miles away from her house. How did he get her here so fast? She took out her phone and went to google maps, she typed in her address. And followed the map.

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