L'Eau à la Bouche

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Ship: KyunU? (platonic)

Tags: cat!minkyun, croissant!yuto, based on a comic I drew for a friend <3

A black cat and a croissant meet on a fateful morning.


Roaming around the streets of Paris, there was a cat. His name was Minkyun. His fur was black and his eyes were shining gold. Sometimes he liked to climb around trees and roll around in leaf piles, a green leaf would rest atop his head and he'd wear it as his hat. At least until either the wind or his movement blew it off, but he could always get a new one when he wanted.

Like one would think of a black cat, Minkyun was quite the trickster, enjoying disorienting people, deafening everyone with loud meowing or taking the occasional small sardine from the fisherman's stall, but by no way was he unlucky. Minkyun just liked living his life day by day, doing what he wanted, happily enjoying every moment.

One day, while on his stroll through the streets framed by grocery stores and bakeries, Minkyun detected a faint smell. Baked goods, just out of the oven. A very mild sweetness with the overwhelming feeling of warmth, Minkyun followed the lead until he came across his goal: a bakery that just got its shelves loaded. He saw the baguettes, the loaves of bread, the palmiers, until his eyes fell upon a lone croissant, who started staring at him expectantly.

Minkyun rested his paw on the glass, trying to know what the confectionery wanted.

"Bonjour, I'm Minkyun!"

"I'm Yuto." Minkyun kept staring until the croissant finally continued, "how is it out there?"

"It's cool, I get to laze around in the sun and get food from M. Bernard. He chases me around but what am I supposed to do when he has so much food for himself? I'm just teaching him to share!"

Yuto's eyes widened as Minkyun kept going about his daily habits, from hunting for lemons to going to all kinds of places and seeing all kinds of sights.

"Have you seen the Eiffel Tower at night?"

"Of course I have! Everything lights up and it all looks really pretty with the night sky."

"I wish I could go outside. I'd want to explore everywhere more than anything, but I'm just a croissant, I can't move." Yuto's expression was downcast, Minkyun wanted to help him.

"I could bring you with me."

"Really? But- wait, are you really sure? I can't move at all, you'd have to carry me around everywhere."

"It's okay," Minkyun shrugged, "I'm an expert in holding things for long periods of time, also I would enjoy some company. Wait just a bit."

Minkyun plopped his front paws down from the glass, thinking about his next move. It wasn't the first time he'd take something from inside of a store, but it was never as easy as an open stall. Still, he wanted Yuto to see Paris with him, so he sneakily got inside the building.

Yuto panicked for a while, wondering if Minkyun was safe or even if he was honest about his promise or not. They'd just met each other but Yuto was so desperate to go out, he couldn't help but let that slip. His fears were softly driven away by the feeling of a small mouth carefully closing in on him, a light comforting pressure as fangs didn't reach his golden skin.

He was lifted and got shocked by the sudden movement, a yell from behind and a strong wind hitting his face. Out the door, everything was brighter. The sky was a vibrant blue and the sun shone more than the hot oven at the bakery ever would, fresh air surrounding him in contrast with the stuffy shelves.

Yuto took in more of his surroundings, leaves rustling, the distant laughter of children, Minkyun's paws hitting the ground, the cat still in a rush. The croissant giggled, soon bursting into full blown laughter. He really did it! He was outside, exploring the city and finding out it was better than anything he'd ever imagined. He let himself enjoy the journey as his guide took him on a tour.

The sun was starting to set, and Yuto started to anticipate what he'd see in these last moments. Minkyun jumped around rooftops and balconies, trying to find a railing wide enough to support a croissant. Upon finding the perfect spot, Yuto was set on the railing, still with as much care as he was picked up the first time. Minkyun sat by his side. The sky started adding dark blue to its purples and reds, and soon enough, the city was awash in light, yellows and oranges, from chandeliers, windows, cars in the street, and the tower he wished to see the most. The view was breathtaking, and Yuto thought he'd never get tired of it, as long as he had Minkyun by his side.

"...Thank you," Yuto muttered, "for taking me here and being with me."

Minkyun purred in response, as they silently enjoyed each other's company and the view until tiredness hit them. Yuto was softly carried again, now up to a terrace, where he was rested on solid ground. As he yawned already half asleep, Yuto felt Minkyun curl up around him, spreading his warmth and snuggling up to him.

Silently exchanging 'good nights', they enjoyed the lights from the sky and around the city, the glow of newfound friendship lulling them to sleep.

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