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Hope was currently sitting down with Cora while the two talked about ideas of getting her to be unsired of hope. Which wasn't really a problem for now since hope knew not to be unreasonable about it but it was still better for her to be unsired just in case.

"It shouldn't be this hard to find a solution, didn't you take a group of my hybrids and unsired them?" Klaus mentioned sending a glare to Hayley who just rolled her eyes.

"But that is different klaus and remember that wasn't just me it was Tyler too" Hayley spoke back to him getting up from the couch.

"Yes Tyler, the boy who later on betrayed you and tried to kill my daughter..."

"You two are really not helping right now" Freya got up interrupting the two.

Hayley just sighed and walked out the room where Derek had walked out to take a phone call. Hayley knew he was worried for his sister but didn't show it knowing Cora would get upset but Hayley knew what was wrong and decided to check on him since they'd become closer and built a friendship.

"How are you doing?" Hayley questioned turning to her and just sighed. "You're worried about her I know buy Derek she's fine she definitely taking it better than I did"

"She's tuff but I just want to know what she feels about it but she refuses to show any emotion about it" he replied sitting down on the ground while Hayley did the same. "How is it? The hunger?"

"Controllable, she's definitely doing good Derek, trust me she's one of the good ones" Hayley reassured but saw Derek's expression. "Derek I am so sorry that she got in the middle of this..."

"It's not your fault Hayley" Derek interrupted.

"But it is Hope should've never gave Cora her blood"

"She would've died if she didn't"

"But now she has to live with this. It's not any better Derek, yes she found a way out of death but it eventually gets hard especially if she wants a family or something else. It gets tiring at some point" Hayley explained but Derek already knew what all this was about.

"That's if we survive this first. I understand you think that your family ruined us but we already were. Honestly since you got here things have been better" Derek admitted.

"There's something bad coming I can feel it" Hayley mentioned.


"This is too good to be true. Something bad has to happen there's never a time in my life where this last"

Derek just sighed at Hayley's comment hoping that she was wrong but with their luck they knew something was coming.


𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘴- tw x tvduWhere stories live. Discover now