Chapter 1

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Crutonia's castle was much larger than I expected. Standing inside the gates, I had to tilt my head all the way back just to see the tips of the tall turrets - and even then, I still couldn't make out the points of the taller towers.

Still looking up, I took one step back, then another, until I stumbled on the cobblestones, nearly dropping my bags.

I shook my head. A sudden bout of clumsiness? That was so unlike me.

"Excuse me, miss. Why are you loitering around in front of the castle?" A middle-aged woman dressed in a pinafore gave me a once-over.

"Oh. I was hired yesterday as a lady-in-waiting for the queen." I gestured to my luggage. "I have my stuff to move in."

"I see. Well, do you know where you're headed?"

"Not quite, ma'am."

The woman sighed. "Follow me."

She led me around the castle to the servants' entry, and into the massive palace. We turned and walked through hallway after hallway, each flanked by long marble columns, suspending glittering chandeliers, and featuring the occasional palace guard. And everything was trimmed in gold.

It made my head ache.

We stopped in front of a door, and the woman knocked.

"Come in."

We entered a room akin to the throne room, but slightly smaller, with more sofas and chairs. Queen Seraphine Ciel sat primly on one of them, two girls hovering next to her - one red-haired, the other blonde and freckled. They were both dressed similarly, outfits matching in style but varying in color.

The woman with me curtsied, and I dropped my bags and followed suit. "Your Majesty," she said. "Found her outside. She claims you hired her?"

"I was told I was getting a new lady-in-waiting. Sienna?" Queen Seraphine addressed the redhead, who straightened up. "This is Miss Lydia Almodine?"

The girl gave me a supercilious look. "I think so. I vaguely remember she had the pleasure of being hired yesterday. As an extra lady-in-waiting."

"Well, that takes care of that," the woman next to me said. "Since you're in charge, Sienna, I trust you'll instruct her on what she needs to do. Good day to you, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Mrs. Hughes."

Mrs. Hughes curtsied once more and left the room.

"Your Majesty." I picked up my bags again. "It is an honor to be working for you."

"Well, it's an honor to have you." The queen smiled. I had only seen her from afar, but up close I had to admit that she was quite a resplendent woman. Even in a simple silk emerald gown and matching mantle, the gold designs embroidered into the fabric sparkled. As did the green-and-gold pins in her long, ebony hair, which fell gracefully past her shoulders. "For today, Sienna and Millicent will act as your guides, and you may follow their example for the rest of your shift."

She looked at the girls. "If one of you would show Lydia to her living quarters, so she can put her bags away?"

Sienna gave Millicent a look, and the blonde stepped forward. "If you'll follow me, ma'am," she said.

"Thank you." I curtsied once more to the queen and followed Millicent out and away to the servants' quarters.

"It's so nice to have someone else join us," Millicent smiled, as she walked next to me. I smiled back. "Have you ever worked as a lady-in-waiting before?"

"No. I have been a maid many times, but never directly for a royal," I replied. There was a certain reason for that...

"Well, I'm sure you'll do just fine. Sienna can be a bit ...patronizing, but don't let that discourage you." Millicent opened a door and ushered me through.

"I noticed." I looked around the room. Small, bare furnishings, and an empty bed on one side of the room. It was homely enough.

"She's just conceited. Don't tell her I said that." Millicent gestured to the bed. "That one's yours. You'll be rooming with me."

"Let me guess, Sienna has her own room?"

"Of course." Millicent rolled her eyes. "But if you ask me, she's missing out on having a bunkmate."

I placed my bags on the bed.

"Do you need help unpacking?"

"No. I don't have much." Casual clothing, some care items, a couple of odds and ends, my other pair of shoes, and my rock collection. I stacked everything either next to or under my bed, then changed into the outfit I was given.

"You collect rocks?" Millicent asked, glancing at my box. "Ooh, they're very pretty."

"Oh. Thank you. Only the best for my collection." I was pleasantly surprised by her praise. "You don't find it weird?"

"No, no," Millicent said, as she fluffed my flat pillow. "You do what you want, as long as it's not hurting anyone."

"Yes," I said. "Of course - I don't want to hurt anyone. I mean- thank you, Millicent."

"You can call me Millie. Mostly everyone does."

"Millie, then," I said, as we headed out and back to the queen. "And you can just call me Lydia."

"I have a feeling we'll be good friends, Lydia. It'll be nice to bear the brunt of Sienna's nagging with a fellow lady."

I chuckled.

"By the way, your eyes are quite lovely," Millie remarked, as we walked down a hallway.

"Thank you." I gave a tight smile, staring at my shoes as I turned the corner. "Everyone tells me that m-"

And that was when I abruptly plowed into something solid. No- not something. Someone.

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