Chapter 3 - Sheik

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Once they left planet Cathea Cambria unfastened her seat-belt and went to the window and stared back at the Planet and waited for Ryan because she knew he was going to follow her, she could already tell Ryan liked her and she wanted to see if she could get him to make the first move. Ryan entered the central hanger and was looking through all the boxes trying to find something that Philip needed which was a S380 GPS a prototype Philip made back at Cathea, Ryan was about to return to Philip but when he was turning around he ran into Cambria "Oh my gosh im so sorry Cambria I didn't see you." Ryan said helping Cambria up "Its okay Ryan, whatcha doing?" Ryan responded "I was looking for This GPS Philip needed to help find the next planet we can go to." Cambria looking at Ryan responded "That sounds fun well we should get that back to Philip." they both walked back to the cockpit were Philip was "Hey you found it i knew i brought it with, let me see it." Ryan handed him the GPS and Philip started to mess with it and out of nowhere it started beeping "It found a Planet, but I never finished the GPS so it cant pull up its name, but you guys wanna check it out?" They both said Yes and Philip took the ship down for landing.

Once they landed Philip opened up the side door and they were welcomed with a storm outside. "I guess well be needing these." said Philip as he handed Ryan and Cambria cloaks, Ryan told them he would meet them outside, they left and Ryan went to the armory and grabbed some extra magazines for the handgun and put them in his cloak. Ryan exited the ship and was hit with a burst of wind and rain and met Philip, and Cambria outside were Philip handed them earpieces that they click and a helmet would form around their head to keep the rain and wind out of their face. They followed the path because their was nowhere else to walk because the planet was made out of water they were walking on a floating island and made it to the door were they were greeted by a woman. "Hello travelers." the mysterious woman said with a soothing voice that made her sound harmless, Cambria took off her helmet and was the only one who responded "Hello my names Cambria, this is Philip, and that's Ryan!" Ryan and Philip both waved but did not take their helmets off. "I guess your friends are little shy." Said the woman "I'm sorry about that, take your helmets off guys." Cambria said Philip and Ryan both took their helmets off "Ah there they are." said the Mysterious woman. "Well you know our names now whats yours?" said Philip "Ah yes my name how rude of me,my names Sheik, now let me show you around you can take your cloaks off and set them down right there if you want." she said pointing to a coat rack in the corner of the room.

Philip and Cambria put their cloaks up but Ryan kept his on. They were walking through the Island and were shown that the people who lived their were great with technology Philip felt like he was at home and he ran to see what everybody was doing, Cambria stayed with Sheik and they continued talking, Ryan curious as to what was happening here put his helmet back on and put his hood up and entered a room, on the other side of the wall their were rows of people in tanks that had needles stuck in there arms and legs and getting injected with fluids. Ryan was horrified with what they were doing he looked at a label on a tank and it said "Specimen 311,231" Ryan thought to himself they were cloning people and if he didn't hurry they would clone Philip, and Cambria he turned around to go warn them but before he could do anything he was hit on the side of the head with a metal bar and was knocked out cold. "What do you do here anyways?" Cambria asked Sheik, Sheik responded "We build Technology to try and help us stop the planet from flooding." Cambria still curious asked "Why do you that?" Sheik responded with "We do that because if we don't do anything the planet will flood and our floating island we made will be flooded." As Cambria was about to ask another question somebody walked over to Sheik and whispered something in her ear. "It was nice talking to you Cambria but you and your friend must leave now." Cambria a bit confused asked "Why do we have to leave?" Sheik responded "You have to leave because we are having some technical difficulties with a experiment and we don't want you nor your friend's getting hurt, so I will escort you and your friend Philip out of here." Cambria making sure she heard her correctly "Did you say Philip and I?" Sheik said "Yes, you and Philip we are looking for Ryan right now we will find him as soon as you and Philip are back inside your ship." Philip walking towards them saying "Lets go Cambria Ryan will be fine they'll find him and hell be on his way." Cambria and Philip returned to the ship "I feel like something bad is going to happen." Cambria said to Philip, Philip just sat there silently staring at the door hoping Ryan walked through the doors and towards the ship.

Ryan woke up with a massive headache his helmet still on he looked around the place he was tide to a chair in a poorly lit room. The door behind him opened and a black silhouette walked around him and said "What did you see inside the room you were in?" He responded "I didn't see anything besides you monster's cloning people." The silhouette stood in front of him and said " lets take your helmet of so you can see better." in an instant the mask came off and Ryan was blinded by a bright light and he saw the silhouette was Sheik "Why are you cloning People?" Sheik looked towards her guard and pointed him towards something behind Ryan "WHY ARE YOU CLONING PEOPLE?!" yelled Ryan since Sheik was Ignoring him " we are making an army and we only clone the people who find the room because they are the ones who can fend for themselves." said Sheik. Ryan was really worried now he was struggling trying to get free but the cuffs were on to tight around his wrists and ankles "Why.... why are you making an army?" asked Ryan "We are making an army so we can protect our planet from the Zodian's, Get the DNA." Sheik said instructing the Scientist on what to do. "Yes Mistress Sheik." said the Scientist as he was moving the machine in to get the DNA "Also when we take your DNA you will die because we are taking some of your life." The Scientist was about to inject the needle into Ryan but outside the door their was a huge explosion and the scientist stopped what he was doing and went towards the door and as he got close to the door the door burst open and a somebody with a cloak on and one of the helmets Philip gave him entered so it was either Philip or Cambria. The person started walking towards him and shot the scientist with a suppressed gun and walked toward Ryan and uncuffed him. "Thanks for rescuing me, we got to get out of here."as they were running out of the room Ryan looked over and saw the cold lifeless body of the scientist. They were running out of the building to meet up with their other friend, once they got into the ship Philip sat down in the pilot seat and lifted off, Cambria sat down next to Ryan. "If you and Philip hadn't come to rescue me i would've been a goner." Ryan said "Well as long as Philip and I are here we wont let anything happen to you Ryan." Cambria said "You were the one who came in and saved me and Philip stood back by the ship didn't he?" Ryan asked "Yes I did, I am not going to let anything happen to you." as Cambria said that she leaned in and kissed Ryan and hugged him the whole time they were lifting off "I'm never going to let you go." Cambria said to Ryan.

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