Chapter 2 - Cathea

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Philip was driving the space ship as if he was a pro and when he knew we were safe and good he told Cambria and Ryan they can unfastened their seat belts and take a look around the ship but not to touch anything. Cambria was already ahead of Philip she was already out of the cockpit and in the central hanger. Ryan hurried as fast as he could to catch up and when he caught up she was staring out the window back at earth. "I'm worried about my family." said Cambria telling Ryan as she knew he was already behind her, Ryan walked toward her "I bet they'll be fine Cambria its Earth what could possibly go wrong." said Ryan trying to cheer Cambria up as best as he could because he had no experience in cheering people up. "I just feel like going out to space and going on this adventure we might bring something back to earth and something not friendly." said Cambria trying to warn Ryan of what dangers lie ahead of them "Ya this is space and there could be some unfriendly people out there, but hey don't worry im going to make sure you and Philip make it out of this adventure alive if we run into hostile people out there even if it costs me my life." Ryan said trying to make Cambria feel safe. Cambria looked over at Ryan and the sunlight shined on her face and showed her beauty of her Blue eyes and Dirty Blonde hair and red lips and Cambria said walking towards Ryan getting closer to him "You'd really do that for me risk your life?" Ryan's heart pounding as if it was going to jump out of his chest at any minute said "Yes i would."

Cambria stared at Ryan and leaned in towards him but over the intercom Philip said "Guys you might want to get up here." So Cambria and Ryan ran towards the cockpit. "I found a Planet called Cathea, did you guys want to check it out?" Cambria said with excitement "Ya lets go check it out!" Ryan agreed, so did Philip so they all sat down and Philip took the ship down for landing. When they landed Philip and Cambria went outside to check out the planet, but Ryan went to the armory and got a handgun just in case everything went south. Ryan soon exited the ship and was hit with a sweet aroma of what smelled like honey and snicker doodles, he soon met up with Cambria, and Philip near a barrel when he got their Cambria said excitedly "Doesn't it smell like the planet's made out of candy!" Philip responded without hesitation "It definitely does smell like it is but it sure doesn't look like it is." as he said that he looked to his left and saw a swamp full of green slime and a stench so foul it could have killed a lion. They all followed a path that led through some shrubbery and forest and soon came upon a kingdom, once they reached the gate's to the kingdom they were greeted by a talking dog "hello there my names Private and i will be your guide through our wonderful kingdom." Cambria said "Hi Private my names Cambria, this is Ryan, and this is Philip and we've come to explore space!" Private responded "That's amazing space is a wonderful place i always wanted to explore space but then i took an arrow to the knee and i couldn't go, But be careful friend's space is a dangerous place and could be hard to deal with at times." Cambria responded "Thats okay Ryan said he would protect us and plus he has us to help him out when he needs us!" she pointed towards Ryan who was examining the plants and talking to Philip about them " He's a scrawny fellow if i do say so myself but that doesn't matter the only thing that matters is the fight in the dog not the size of the dog."

Cambria called Ryan and Philip over to start their tour of the Kingdom once they walked through the gates they were blinded by a bright light, To there astonishment the Kingdom was made entirely out of gold and silver. "is your Kingdom made out of Gold and Silver?" Philip asked in amazement "Yes it is my friend Those resources are very easy to come across it's like wood for us." they walked by a bakery and smelled freshly baked bread right out of the oven and kept walking towards the castle. Once they got to the castle Cambria ran up towards the king and queen to pay her respects and had a full fledged conversation with them private appointed Philip to the castles scientist's and inventor's and Philip couldn't help but make a fool out of himself with everything their. and Private didn't take Ryan anywhere He kept him right with him and asked him "So you told your friend that you were going to protect them on your adventure?" Ryan responded "Yes I did and i told her that i would even sacrifice my life to save them." Private responded "She means that much to you doesn't she, because your other friend looks like he can protect himself with his smarts he probably could take an army on by himself." Ryan stayed silent for awhile then responded " Yes she does mean that much to me." Private looked at him and took something out of his pocket and handed it to Ryan "Take this I use it for good luck but I think you need it more than I do now were your going." Ryan looked at what he was holding towards him it was a silver Knife with a golden Blade Ryan took it "Thanks Private I don't know what to say" Private looked at Ryan and smiled "You don't have to say anything kid just don't lose it and remember only take someones life if they are going to take one of your lives." and as Private said that Ryan looked over at Cambria and adored her beauty and he put the knife away in his pocket and Thanked Private again.

Ryan, Cambria, and Philip all were getting ready to leave and said goodbye to everybody before they left, Philip said thanks to the scientist's and inventor's for showing him some tips and giving him some supplies. Cambria thanked the King and Queen for giving them some food and money for their trip. And Ryan Looked at Private and said thanks for the Good Luck charm and the advice. The King and Queen, scientist's and Inventor's, and Private all wished them safe and happy travels through space but warned them to stay away from the planet Zodia because that's were the Space Pirates live and the species that inhabited the planet are Lizard's and they are not friendly they will take you prisoner at first sight. They all went back into the ship and set their things down and sat down "well lets hope we don't run into any Lizards or else we might have some trouble." said Philip "I agree I don't want to fight for my life in space this is suppose to be a vacation." said Cambria "Well lets just hope they stay away from us." said Ryan as they were getting ready to fly off into space Cambria grabbed Ryan's hand and said "Please be careful." Ryan responded "I promise i will be careful" and Cambria smiled and didn't let go of Ryan's hand the entire time they were leaving planet Cathea.

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