The Titan Inside You | Chapter 16

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You woke up after getting 10 hours of sleep as the previous day had been very eventful for you, especially the morning. You got out of bed and got dressed into your black and white skirt with thigh high socks, and with your pink t-shirt tucked into the elastic of the skirt.

She left her room and got all her school equipment, then left her house. She got to school and seemed to be the first one there so she went to the classroom, and when entered she saw Berdly and Noelle just chatting like they usually would.

Y/n sat in her seat and started to unpack her stuff, and after she was done Kris and Susie walked in out of everyone. They sat down in their seats with Kris turning around and facing Y/n who was just doodling on her notepad.

Y/n: Yes Kris?

Kris: You look nice today.

Y/n: Ha, thank you Kris, so do you. But why are you and Susie early? That's not like you guys.

Kris: Toriel wanted me to leave early, and I wanted to see you. Susie, I have no idea why.

Y/n: Huh, interesting.

They continued talking to each other until more walked in and the lesson started, but before Alphys could tell them their assignment for the week, Toriel walked in standing next to the door.

Toriel: Good morning class, before the lesson starts I have some news. So, as all of you know, Asriel is coming back today, and he is already right now. And from now on, he'll be in this class as a teaching assistant.

Alphys: That's lovely to hear! I'm sure he'll love teaching and helping them!

Toriel looked at Susie who crossed her arms with an annoyed look on her face, she then opened the door and Asriel walked in. He was wearing black trousers, white shirt, black tie, and black shoes. He had white spiral horns with black spots on them, blue eyes, and white fur.

Alphys: Welcome back Asriel! What does it feel like to be back?

Asriel:... Interesting.

Alphys: O-Oh.

And he had a hella deep voice, even a bit deeper than Asgore's which surprised everyone.

Alphys: Well go stand at the back and I can start the lesson!

Toriel: Be good, and be careful what you say to Susie, the purple one.

Asriel: I will.

Asriel silently walked to the back and leaned his back against the wall standing behind Y/n who was just half listening.

Alphys: For this week's assignment you need to learn another language and make that country's national dish which you will take to the canteen for everyone to eat. As I think that's a good way to end off this week going into the summer holidays.

Y/n: (Ez.)

Alphys: Anyone here speak any other languages?

Y/n: Οχι (No)

Everyone just turned to Y/n as she lifted her head up from doodling on her notepad.

Alphys: Oh! Y/n! What language was that?

Y/n: Greek.

Alphys: Well I guess we all know what you're doing!

Y/n: Mhm.

Berdly: Since when did you speak Greek?

Y/n: Αφού πάντα εγκέφαλος πουλιών. (Since always bird brain.)

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