Chapter Eight.

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3 Years Later.

"Mommy look " my 2 year old daughter Jewell came rushing down showing me a picture she drew in class which i was taking her to today.

I named her after that girl . I havent saw her ever but when i visit detroit we gonna visit there. Imma find that girl.

"Aww baby ." i said. Nobody really called her jewell. Since my real name is Justice everybody calls her liberty.

"Liberty Baby grab your sandals " i said as she did as told.

I had on a pretty sundress with my hair in a bun. I had on some white sandals.

"Mom Hurry Up. We cwant be wate for mwiss. Roc . " she said and i giggled at her language.

After i packed her lunch we headed out the door.

"Liberty say your abcs " i said.

"A Bwe C D E F Gwe H I J K L .. Uhmm ... Q R S T U V W X Y and G . Now i abcs - "

"No you dont cause you forgot M N O P " i said ans she skipped and nodded.

"I knew it " she said .

Soon as we got there i rubbed her head and kissed it.

"Be good okay " i said and she nodded.

Liberty POV (Trust me yall gonna love this POV )

I walked in class today and was said hi to by miss. Roc

After i was done with my morning color sheet. I had to do my solve a puzzle one where we guess the colors by the number.

"Hey Ugly Girl " said Karma.

"Hi " i said weakly.

"Gimme these crayons rat face " she said.

Karma is four. Just because she older and taller doesn't mean she can bully me. Shes supposed to be in Prek not pre pre school.

"Karma giw me bwack my crayons " i saod as she sat in her seat facing me.

"No You Ugly Fish. Atleast i have a dad and you dont. Your only two . " she said.

" Im almost thrwee " i said holding up three fingers.

"So . Has your dad been in your life three years " she said as mrs. Roc exited the class talking to a students parent.

"Dont twalk awbout my pwarents " i said yanking her put her chair by her hair and making her fall. I began slapping her and stomping her face. I grabbed the crayons and began hitting her with it. I grabbed my sandals and threw them at her stomping her over and over again and blood came out her nose.

My mom taught me how to fight ever since one. Living where i am now i fight everyday. Oh well. I know yall like she two going on three slapping people. My mom got me like this.

I kept stomping her until Miss. Roc pulled me.

"Im calling.your mom now " Mrs.roc said yelling at me as blood gushes out Karmas nose and she was screaming.

Queen POV.

"My child what ?!? " i yelled through the school.

"Well Karma was being rude talking aboout her dad and stole her crayons and Liberty began hitting her. " Mrs. Roc said .

".Okay good that girl got put in her place. Like you messing with the right child. Fucking.with mines. Bitch dont know nothing about her damn daddy. Ill fight her . IDGAF if she four. She dont fuck with my child at all. Where her mom so i can fuck her up for getting her child like that " i said.

Mrs.Roc pointed down the hall then Karmas Mom came up to Me.

"YOUR CHILD IS AN WILE ANIMAL " she said and i punched her in her nose.

I grabbed my child and we walked out like bosses

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