Chapter Two

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Dark Hour Glass. Hour Glass. Toast to Clichees in the dark past toast to Clichees in the dark past - Beyonce

I began to drive to San Frisco. I had plenty money to travel around the world a hundred times.

"So why whats your story ? Your full name like why do you live this lifestyle " he said.

"Well my orphan family always pressured me to become something great and i was always bullied long story short. I became rebellious. I liked robbing and killing for the thrill. Call me crazy . My full name is Justice Queen Taylor" i said.

"Mines Is Ace Michigan Hardwick . I was poor and this is the i could get into " he said and i nodded.

I pulled off the interstate and i parjed at this clothing store.

"Hurry and get you some clothes " i said and he nodded.

He ran in there and i grabbed my highwaisted bleach pants out my bag and slipped them on with my American flag tube top woth my white nike forces with my jean jacket vest that had no sleevss. I took off my mask and put on my shades and fluffed my curls, i put on my flag bandana . I put on a coat of red lipstick.

When he came back with his mask off he was cleaned up. He had on some black true religion jeans with some white forces and a Nike shirt that said I Took Yo Girl.

I drove off.

"You look nice " he said,

"Thanks you too " i said.

I drove to this hotel Called The Tipton Towers in san frisco and i checked in with a fake ID and Fake Debit Credit Card.

All my fakes are high tech so it will be a while untill they can see its fake.

I got a suite at the Top. I walked in the room and got settled.

"Ace will you hurry with those bags ? " i said down the hallway.

"Im carrying all our bags and yours is heavy asf " he said and i giggled as i seen him fall.

" Come on fool hurry times a ticking " i said as he scurried in the room dropping all these bags.

I laughed.

"Okay now since were far away from New Jersey together and were traveling together . We must be a team " he said.

"Yeah i guess but im the leader " i said.

"What No Nigga im the fucking leader " he said.

I grabbed my silencer out my bag and shot it at him and he jumped.

"Igh cuhh you the leader chill with that shooting shit " he said.

I laughed.

"Im crazy asf " i said reloading it.

"Yeah i got the fucking memo " he said.

"So i heard theres that Bank down there. It has foreign money and everything . We should hit it up " i said.

"Nice thinking hot sauce " he said.

"Hot sauce ? " i said raising an eyebrow.

"Your new nickname " he said.

"Alright Chicken " i said.

"What ? You ghetto as hell. Hot sauce and Chicken " he said and i laughed.

"Just get dressed " i said and he went in the the bathroom throwing on some clothes.

I put on my black bodysuit with the black combats boots with my grill and mask.

I put each gun in each pocket hole of my strap waist band.

"Dayum that ass " he said as he came out the bathroom rocking black.

Now Ace was fine as fuck and i dont mind him saying that so i smirked at him .

"Cmon quick nut " i said.

"Nahh its chicken nigga " he said as we took the back entrance out the hotel. We hopped in my Porche.

We drove to the bank.

"Since im the leader you check the money bag and see if you can see paint bombs and you get the money and ill keep the hostages in check and if you see a bitch put her hand on the counter theyre pulling the alarm. " i said.

He nodded.

I got out my gun and shooted it when i came inside then i saw this man tryna pull the alarm.

"Did i say pull the alarm nigga " i said pointing my gun in his mouth.

I stepped closer as Ace got the money and checked the bag.

"I should blow your fucking head off " i said but i got my grill and i two peiced his ass leaving a print.

I always left Queen .

I saw Ace shooting the wall and he left an A.

I threw my mask off when we got in the car and i stepped on it. Next thing you know cops is on our asss.

I speeded and headed into tunnel. I dodged the cops and i headed to the hotel. I grabbed all our bags and everything checkin out.

I left my Porche and i kicked open a window to a beemer and i sat all our stuff in their once we hotwired it.

Soon we really lost the cops and we were relaxed.

"Hotsauce ? " Ace said sleepy cause we were driving for a little bit.

"Yeah Ba- Chicken Nugget " i said getting thoughts of us being married and having kids.

" Lets go to the club " he said.

"Really the club ? " i said.

"Yeah ill check into an motel " he said.

I drove to Motel 6 and he checked in.

We got to the room and i changed into a Red fitting dress with some black pumps . Red lipstick and a bandana around my head putting it into a bun.

"You also gonna look ghetto no matter what " he said and i smacked his head.

"You look good tho "i said as i saw his White Joggers with his legend blues and his 23 shirt.

"Thanks " he said. He grabbed my hand and he got in the Beemer. He drove to this club called The Pyramid.

I still had my grill in . We hopped out and we went in the club. People were mugging us and i laughed. Theyre lucky i keep my identity a secret cause theyll be scared as hell.

After a few drinks i was buzzed . Then my song came on . "Werk that monkey " i sung as i came across Ace and grinded on him.

After a few more songs we started making out. He cupped my ass and picked me up and led me out the club. He opened the beemer and we was kissing in the car.

"Go to the motel " i said slurring.

"Alright " he said as he got in the car and he drove to the motel all kinds of reckless.

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