Chapter Nine

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"Liberty Come On Babygirl " i said watching her dance across the floor for her birthday.

Awwee she looked precious.

"Thags right sway them thick hips " i said watching her roll across the floor finishing the dance move to Halo.

I let.out a tear and quickly wiped it.

"Liberty that was good mami wanna go for a walk " i said as she sipped from her cup.

"Yes lets put on pretty dresses and walk on the bweach with no swhoes " she said really jumpy.

"Go on squirt put in your slik one with the two straps " i said and she ran off cheesing.

I.put on my peach dress and put my hair into two buns on each side to match with my daughters hair. Then a knock landed on my door. It was my friend Rafa . He was one cute Jamaican needless to say he had the hugest crush on me.

"Yes Sir " i said oprning the door.

" i was womdering could i tske you out today " he said and i head no.

"If my daughter asked sure but no . we are friends okay . " i said and he nodded.

"Still grieving the baby daddy " he said.

"Baby daddy was triller and finer than you tho " i said sticking.out my tongue pushing.him out the way as my daughter cane down in her dress.

We exited the house locking taking a fun walk om the beach. The waves were sweeping our feet and we laughed and made sandcastles. I swear i love this little girl.

After we got done with bulding this large ass sandcastle i went to get a drink from the parlor i came back and liberty was arguing with this girl. Just like her mother. I thought.

"You knocked it over " liberty said arguing.
Liberty is very attractive so i see why girls push her to her limit.

Then the random girl got sand it put it in her eyes.

"Beat her aas lIberty " i said as liberty grabbed her yanking her down hitting her.

"There you go baby drag her " i said as i watched my almost three year old daughter almost kill.somebody. she threw wild punches dragging her and i laughed.

"Baby shes had her fun cmon " i said as liberty rushed over to me. We walked up to the dizzy girl with the pulled out hair. Liberty pushed her down and she was out like a light. We laughed knowing hardware got served.

Me and Liberty began walking.down the beach more it was the weekened and it basically was fun.

We went to this shack where you get pretty jewlery from. We peered at the pretty jewlery and we bought some. Liberty got a pearl ring and i got a pearl necklace.

We made our way back home with some Jamaican dairy queen.


I just got from Detroit . After i lost the cops that day and began to do godly things my life was good.i saw my mom and dad sister and brother. We was chilling.

I could walk freely not.knowing oh we finna get locked up.

My limo driver pulled up to my girlfriends house. Queens. I grabbed my bags and knocked on the door. Then a dude came to the door.

"You here for Justice " he said.

"Yeah where She at " i said.

"My girl ain worried about you " he said.

His girl ?!?

"What the fawk is you doing at my door nugga yo mah man Rafa you can leave bad take yo spaghetti with you . i dont want yo dusty ass " she yelled .

I laughed. Too lustful to be true. I barged in and i saw this little girl. She put a mug on her face

"Who you ? Why you here ? My.mwamwa dont visitors on spahetti.night . Get out bye " she said. Yea this my daughter.

"Liberty get yo ass in there and wat that spaghetti . Hi im Justi- ACE ?! " she said running over hugging me.

I hugger her tight.

" In the flesh " i said.

"Im glad your home baby. Gish i.missed you but thats your daughter Jewel. But we call her Liberty " she said.

"Liberty remember when you always got sent home for fught just ng kids thatwere picking.on you about yo missing daddy. There he is " Queen said .

Liberty rushed over and hugged me .

"Dont leave me dada. Please dont. I love mama. And you too " she said.

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