• Chapter 3 •

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  Waiting wasn't something Lucia Noceda did well. She hated it, even more so if it were somewhere she didn't want to be.

  It had been hours, and there was no sign of this Winona character anywhere. "What the hell " she grunted as she got off the bed that resided in the room. It was an old classroom-turned-bedroom with ugly orangish painted walls that looked worn down over time. The floors were a marbled gray, they too looking worn from time. It wasn't exactly the biggest of rooms, possibly some old teachers lounge or small art room. The closet was blocked off as it was connected to the room nextdoor. A twin bed with a dark blue comforter sat against the wall opposite of the door as a bookshelf saw perpendicularly again the wall close to the headboard if the bed. 

  On the bookshelf sat a few old books and a couple of People's magazines that she wouldn't dare to touch. She, to this day, couldn't understand why people read those, as they were usually all filled with fake articles and the stupidest ads. On top of it was a cracked flower pot, chipped and broken as it was filled halfway with years old soil. 

  Next to the flower pot sat a music box. This held a high value to the Noceda, as she had built it herself as an old birthday gift for Luz. It played a tune that she was very familiar with, a song she usually played or hummed to herself to calm herself down in certain situations.

  It was a song her mother, Camilla Noceda, would used to sing to her whenever she was little. Wether it was to put her to sleep when going to bed or to calm her whenever she was scared. It had a very special place in her heart.

  After a few moments of being lost in thought, she was then snapped back to reality to a knock at the door.

  "The fuck do you want!?" She yelled out as the door opened. "That one hell of a way to greet someone." She heard the female voice from earlier say. Lucia huffed, refusing to look at her."Listen, I'm only here for the check up. Then we'll leave you alone to do whatever it is you're doing." The Noceda perked up. "I'm sorry, 'we'?" She asked, turning to face the door as she was previously staring blankly at the wall.

  She looked at the woman, then to the younger female next to her. She looked and reminded her of the bitch from earlier, except smaller and more innocent. "Let me guess, what's-her-face's sibling?" She asked, earning a nod from the older. "Good to know." Lucia then added.

  "Don't try anything. If Amelia finds out you hurt her sister, you're ass is hers." The woman, whomst she assumed was Winona, stated. Lucia simply scoffed. "We'll see about that."

  The woman scoffed in return as she soon made her way over to Lucia. "So," she started off," got caught huh?" Winona asked as she and Amelia's younger sister began to examine the stranger.

  "Yeah,so? What's it to you?" She asked in return, a bit hostile towards them as she didn't really trust them. Then again, Lucia never was really a people person to begin with. "No reason, just asking." The Park said in defense.

  As the two went in with their examination, Lucia hummed the song quietly to herself. She did what she needed to keep herself from hitting one of the two, or both of them for that matter.


  "Alright. Aaaaand done." Winona said as she finished writing down the results on her clipboard. "Finally, now you two can get the fuck out." Lucia grumbled out, turning her head towards the females.

  "Hey! Watch the language around the young one!" The older of the two visitors hissed, covering the younger's ears. " Not like I don't hear worse from you and Amelia. You did curse when we first arrived after all." The girl said, shaking Winona off of her. Winona rolled her eyes. "Yes, but if Amelia starts yelling at me for letting you hear curse words, you'll never hear the end of it."

  As the two bickered, Lucia only smirked. " So Amelia's protective of her little sister. Intriguing."

  After the two had finished their arguing, they had left her room leaving Lucia with her blank, empty thoughts. Sure she could be thinking of ways to escape and leave this dreadful building, but she was beyond tired at the moment, as it had been a pretty long as hell day. 

  Laying down upon her bed, the latina stared up at the ceiling as the cold of the room began to overtake her. Turning to her side, wrapping the comforter over her, she thought back on her past: her mother, her sister, their deaths…

  Shaking the thoughts away, Lucia looked over her shoulder at the music box. "I miss you guys… mi familia.." she whispered before turning her head back towards the wall and slowly drifted off into a quiet, dreamless slumber.


  A few long, dreary hours passed when the Noceda was awoken by a loud noise. It sounded to be a few rooms over, hearing the faint sounds of furniture crashing and muffled screams.

  "Damn, doesn't sound like someone's having such a great time," Lucia started," But then again, who would be in this god forsaken hell hole of an old school? Or hell, this forsaken world in general?"

  Laying on the bed, all Lucia could do was listen. She thought about pounding on the wall to tell them to shut up, but decided against the idea. "Who would be having a temper tantrum this late at night anyway?"


  A few rooms away from the Noceda's was Amelia's residence. It, at the very moment, was in complete and utter disarray as she was in the middle of having one of her frequent fits.

  Throwing objects around, she yelled out. This, just like a few other ways, is how she felt with her ever growing stress and anger. It was a way to cope with it without harming others. "That fucking woman makes me so..so...GAHH!!" Amelia shouted, tossing her banged up desk chair across the room leaving a sizable dent in the wall and another crack in the chair to add to the many that were added from previous fits.

  She hated that woman, that stupid stranger. The woman would of fed her personally to those flesh eating monsters if she could. However, she had to be reasonable, and set a good example for Amity. If she had given in, that would leave a bruise in her reputation, so she had managed to refrain.

But little did the two know what was in store for both of them.


{Two chapters in one day?!


I had some extra time at work so I thought why not.

Also 1100 words baybeeeee!!

So yeah!! Have a great Morning/Afternoon/ Night!!}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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