The Pizza Parlor

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Hi! So I kinda wanted to introduce myself again? Idk but I'm Katelynn and yeah......bye!
*Kimberly p.o.v*
It was the 2nd of July and you could easily tell that school was starting again soon, which I couldn't bear to think of anymore. At this rate I'm surprised none of the other teenagers died from being to drunk yet. Yeah, I get it it's still summer but would you like to act your own age a little? I mean its only going to be junior year next year and we won't be ass kissing sophomores.

But forgetting that situation, school is kind of a game of Monopoly here. You either win or lose and if you get that stupid jail card you will never get bailed out, by anyone. And the worst part is, the seniors actually exist as a bunch of assholes still and I hope you never think that those 80's movies lie because holy fuck they were very true.
It was about 3 in the afternoon and I had just left the school and Tyler came and picked up me, Thea, and Justin so we could go hangout and see a movie or something....i don't know don't ask me, I was never told what we were doing.
"So, whose going to that senior party tonight?" Justin said.
"There's a party and you think I am going? How stupid can one be?" I said retoracally.
"I guess I'm that stupid because I want you to go"
"All all i would do is ruin it, I'm good" I said and I could tell Justin was sending me a glare, ass.
"So anyway, Thea?"Justin spoke again and was trying to get Thea's attention but she was to busy struggling to put her long, thick hair up. Got she needs to get that cut.
"Thea?" He said again trying to gain her attention again. She finally shot up and looked at him, whilst struggling to put up her thick, fluffy, black hair.
"Uh..yeah?" She said with the sound of struggling.
"Thea I think you need help" I answered and tapped her shoulder and she shot a 'shut up I can do it on my own idiot' look.
"I was wondering if you were up for that contest Saturday?" That's right. I forgot. Him and Thea where supposed to go to that stupid contest they signed up for, with some stupid tickets for warped tour. Lucky ass bitches if they win them.
"What if we win?" Thea replied to Justin's question.
"Uhm we will go to warped tour duh you fuckhead" he booped her nose while saying that.
Don't get me wrong, we are all best friends. But they were kinda my otp because even if they weren't dating they acted like it and I knew deep down in my gut that Justin liked her, like a lot.
Thea giggled. Oh god no.

One thing I know about Thea for sure, was she would never break the best friend code. And honestly, Thea and Tyler BOTH liked eachother and they were both in the edge of dating because they even told me and Justin. And I knew Justin liked Thea from that moment on because, for one, he dislikes and tries to stay way from Tyler a lot since then and always barges in between Tyler and Thea and, its awkward knowing none of them like you and they fall in love with your best friend who hated their guts till I made her hangout with them last year. Fuckers.

"" I said, trying to change the subject before they ate each others throats out.
"What?" Justin said, turning to me with his eyes looking like a literally threat to me.
"Nothing, nothing...never mind" I said. I made this even more awkward.
The whole ride to what was decided, the pizza parlor, was silent. A few peeps then and there, but really silent other then that. I stayed quiet all the time, but this, you could feel the tension, like, physically.

When we finally got inside the pizza place, I didn't say anything and the other three talked. I kinda was third wheeling it and I was okay with that because I was mentally listening to Sleeping With Sirens cover of Fuck You by Cee Lo Green. Itsy favorite song, idk.

"Kimberly?" Someone called for me and I turned around to see someone other then my friends, but Cameron.

Cameron was the actually boy of my dreams, nobody picked on him for dying his hair or looking like a "emo" or "scene" . sigh. But he was good friends with me, sorta. We never hung out but we always talk in chemistry class. But since when did "Boy of My Dreams" visit this parlor?

" are Kimberly right?" He said with a smile, smirk kind of thing. I don't care it was so hot. He was even smarter then me, and I was pretty smart.

"Oh my god....uh...yeah its me" I said sounding a little awkward. Way to go idiot.
"Oh okay good" he paused and ran his hand threw his hair and I melted.
You know when your crush does something or someone you love and your just like "FUCK YOU AND YOUR HOTNESS FUCK ME" ? Yeah, me neither.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go hangout sometime? I mean your pretty cool and I yeah? I can do Saturday?" I awkwardly stared at him longer then I should before replying.

"Uh..sure yeah...Saturday I'm empty, what time?"

"I'll just call you" he said and we exchanged numbers. My crush asked me to hangout but he thinks of us more like friends but i don't care

I quickly turned around and walked back to Tyler and them, but I noticed that they looked all happy and stared at me. Fuck they knew I talked to Cameron, and they know I like him

"Sooooooooo....?" Thea said as I sat down shoving my hands into my sweater.
"So?" I answered pretending nothing happened.
"Don't play dumbfuck with me, what happened over there with Cameron and you Kimmy?"
"Nothing" I took a sip of my drink.
"He just asked to hangout Saturday"

"KIMMY HE LIKES YOU HE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND HIS VERONICA FUCKED A DUDE LAST WEEK AND HE DUMPED HER" Thea yelled in my face and I legit slapped her thigh and she just looked at me like I was evil as hell.
Bow down bitches, queen Kimmy is here.
"Thea no, its just a friend thing, I mean he did act all weird but he is weird so I just went along, I made a embarrassment out of myself because I stared at him. Why does he have to be 6'2 anyway? I'm like 5'6 this isn't okay" I said and Ghea just giggled while grabbing my arm and Tyler and Justin were talking about a stupid game and hair colours when the lady came walking by with our pizza.

"Tyler is this it?" She asked.
She knew Tyler and us a lot because we came her every Friday and she didn't seem to mind. She knew it was our hangout spot.
"Yeah were good Beth thanks!" He said with his chirpy voice.
"You sound like Johnnie Guilbert" I replied looking at him.
"" I said once more and he glared at me but then taking it as a compliment. Asshole.

Sorry for it being kinda short but yewwww.

-katelynn x

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