Chapter 1

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Oh how I hate it... This shitty apartment building... My shitty life... And my shitty neighbors..

As I thought about the next morning after coming home after getting fired from my job at the downtown gas station, all I could hear was the constant blaring music that went on 24/7 from my neighbors. I filed many noise complaints but the landlord never did anything about it, sometimes I just want to punch the neighbors and my fucking landlord in the face.

I sighed and get up from my messy bed, almost tripping on multiple things due to the messiness. I walked to the kitchen to collect the mail I threw on the counter and flipped through them until my eyes landed on a few bills. I groaned amd tossed them on the counter, then I heard a knock om my door. I groaned even louder and went to my door to open it "WHAT?!" I yelled but was met with my landlord who shoved a paper into my chest "Nice greet l/n, you have 4 days to get out" he said then walked off.

I panicked and looked at the paper that said 'eviction notice' in big red bolded letters, I was pissed "MAYBE IF YOU WASN'T A BITCH WHEN YOU GOT HERE AND RAISED RENT I WOULD BE ABLE TO PAY IT ON TIME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I yelled as he walked down the hallway. I slammed the door and the neighbors turned their music up more, I punched the wall making a hole 'Shit! Thats going to come out of my Security Deposit' I thought.

I put my back against the door and slid down, I started crying.. I can't deal with this stress. My family hates me and blames my for my parents death.. My friends don't even talk to me anymore and everytime I try to get ahold of them they don't even pick up their phones.

I wiped my tears from my face and sighed, getting I grabbed a newspaper and flipped through it "Might as well start looking for a job now.." I told myself. As I was flipping through a job ad caught my eye. It was a job ad for Freddy Fazbears pizzaria- I haven't been there since I was 10.

I quickly grab my phone and dial the number, as it rang I decided to go sit on the some what decent couch in my living room.

Finally someone had picked up "Hello?" Said a man from the other side of the phone "Hi, uh.. I called for a job opening for a night guard?" I said "Ah yes, finally someone calls about that and not just to complain.. Sorry that was out of context but uh.. Yeah of course you can come in tomorrow for an interview or maybe boss will hire you on the spot, we really need an extra night guard here. One person just won't do" the man said "Okay I'll come in tomorrow!" I said "Okay got it just ask for Scott, thats my name" "Okay Scott" I said "See you tomorrow" I said and he hummed then hung up the phone.

I sighed then got up, I didn't have a lot of things in the apartment most of the things in here like the bed, table, couch, and TV was here when I mived in so it technically wasn't mine. I just packed my clothes but kept a few outfits out for the next few days, I packed a lot of things that night and cleaned up. I pretty much pulled an all nighter cause by the time I was done it was 6 a.m. so I got a shower and went to sleep for a bit.

When I woke up it was 10 a.m., I got up and got dressed then ate some dry cereal considering the fact that I never went grocery shopping so I had no milk. I headed out the door and walked to Freddy's, when I got there and walked in I could see and hear the cheerfulness of the children as they ran around and played. The animatronics that I remembered were still on stage and prefoming for the children as the warm smell of pizza hit my nose. I took a deep breath and looked for an employee, once I found one or at least thought I found one- I tapped the man on the shoulder "Uh.. Excuse me" I said and the man turned around, he was a bit strange. He had a old fashioned telephone on his head, "Ah hello there is there a problem?" He asked "Uh.. No I'm just here for an interview, I'm looking for Scott?" I said "Oh you must be the girl on the ohone yesterday! I'm scott, don't mind my mascot head, just a prop for the children. I don't usually come to the front often so I usually only wear this for entertainment purposes" Scott says "Oh, well uh the interview" "Oh right! Follow me" Scott said once again and started to walk off.

I followed behind him and once we was out of sight if the children he took the mascot head off and sat it on a table to the side, he walked to a door that had a name plate on it 'Henry E.' The name plate read. He knocked and once he heard a "Come in" he opened the door and poked his head in "The new interview-e is here" He said "Bring her in" I heard a man say.

Scott stepped into the room then to the side, opening the door more for me "Come on in" Scott said. When I stepped in I seen a man with Brunette hair and Brown eyes, he motioned me over. "Good morning ma'am, I heard your here for the night guard postion" the man I supposed to be named Henry said "Uhm.. Yes I am" I said "Come sit, I will ask some questions. You may be excused Scott" Henry said and Scott nodded and left the room, I walked over and sat down.

Helf an hour later

After some questions he asked me to sign some papers about how if anything happened to me while on the job such as injurys, death, or psychological problems were to happen to me that I would not legally be able to sue them. I thought that was a bit off but I signed anyway, considering the fact that I really need this job. "Alright y/n, your all set! Any questions?" Henry asked "Uh.. just one, is it possible I can start tonight?" I asked "Hell, it's now or never. I will get you a uniform, follow me" He said then got up, walking away.

I follwed him and he started a conversation as he looked for a Y/S (Your sized) uniform "So.. Just to let you know, the guy you'll be working with is a bit cold at times. He's been working here for a while so he's had some bad experiences with this place. Don't be scared of him, once he gets used to you I bet you guys will be best of buds" Henry said "Oh.. That's okay" I said. He handed me a uniform "Your shift starts at 12 so you might want to get here around 11 so Michael can show you what to do before shift will start, and don't worry you two will be working together every night" Henry added "Okay, I will be back later then" I said with a smile "Alrighty then have a good rest of your day" Henry said as I walked out "You too" I replied and left.

Oh good god this is going to be a long night, I'm going straight to sleep when I get home.. And just as I said when I got home I flopped on the bed and fell asleep, but I set an alarm for 10:30 before I did.

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