Chapter 5

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1 year later
Y/ns POV

I was laying in the soon to be guest bedroom of the Afton family house, I had just woken up from a nap since we had no work for the next few days so we could move. Well at least me and Michael, he still wanted to keep me around. I didn't understand why though, it's not like he likes me or anything. I sighed as I packed my last box up after a while and took it to the car. Michael was in the big shed in the back getting some things so I waited in the car for him, when I seen him coming I smiled to myself and put my phone down. When he got in he looked at me "What are you smiling about?" He asked with a chuckle. My face turned red as I quickly looked away "Nothing. Just really excited" I lied trying to make him less suspicious. I didn't want to tell him or him to figure out that over the year I had grown feelings, I didn't want to lose him because we became really good friends over time.

He shook his head and smiled as he started the car and turned on some music, he pulled out of the driveway as his family waved goodbye. We waved back and I smiled at them as they grew far while we went down the road, I leaned back in my seat and watched the outside scenery. The green leaf covered trees, so warm and welcoming, the breeze the came from the rolled down windows was warm and refreshing. I'm happy I finally got away from my toxic life, I could finally be me as I started talking with Michael with the music playing in the background. I loved talking, it was one of my favorite things to do. I always had something to talk about, but nobody really liked when I talked cause I can be considered "too talkative".. but Michael.. hes just as talkative as me.

It was about an hour before we arrived at the new house, it was a little smaller than the Aftons house but it was still very big. It wasn't too far from the pizzaria either, Michael still always got over and opened the door for me even though I told him he doesn't have to multiple times.

We get our things inside and take a break bfore dealing with the new furniture that had been delivered a day or two before, we ate and chatted a bit then went back to putting things together and up. Surprisingly we got almost everything done in one day, since it was summer and the house had a big in-ground pool we decided to go swimming or to just relax a bit in it. I felt confident rn so I grabbed my bikini and slipped it on in my room (if you din't like bikinis i'm sorry but me neither but YOU ARE FUCKING BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE DAMNIT), I grabbed a towel from my bathroom as well and headed out to the back where Michael already was. When he looked up at me I could visibly see his face turn red as he hid half of his face in the water, I noticed and started to feel insacure "Is there something worng? Oh god is there something on me? I knew I shouldn't have worn this.." I said and Michael immediately jumos to the rescue "No no no.. its nothing really, its just you look really pretty" Michael said. My face flushed red and I looked down "Oh.. Okay. Thank yoh Michael" I said starting to feel giddy "Of course" he said back.

I got into the pool and stayed more closer to the edge of the pool than the middle. Michael was relaxing in a tube floatie and I was letting my body relax and I kept my arms around the edge of the pool, feeling the warm sun on my skin. I heard a splash and then silence, I opened my eyes and looked around only to not be able find Michael. "Michael?" I called out for him but soon I was picked up by my legs right under my butt and guess who it was? Fucking. Michael. My face turned red and I looked away "W-what are you doing?" I stuttered out embarrassed about him being so close to me. He chuckled "Whats wrong? Shy?" He said "Stop that Michael" I said pushing his face back a bit after he put his face against my stomach.

He put me down on the edge of the pool "You know, you're very beautiful" Michael said "I- Michael quit.." I said feeling like he was just saying that to make me feel better "How about no" he said in a deep tone. I blushed a deep red and he pulled my face down, thats when I could smell the alcohol "Michael are you drunk?" I asked "No but I did have a sip of whiskey but thats it" he responded then pulled my face closer "But I can get drunk from your body" he said. I sighed and pulled away "I don't trust that Michael... I'm going to go inside" I said and got up grabbing my towel, I wrapped it around me and ran inside. When I got to my room I started crying, I felt like he was only saying that cause he was drunk. I changed into some pajamas and sat down on my bed thinking about my feelings, I sighed and looked at my phone to see a message from an old friend. They asked if we could hang out so we could catch up cause they moved back from Florida, I obviously said yes cause I missed them.

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