Glad You Exist

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A/N hi! this is based off a part of Legacy  ( SPOILER ALERT ) when Keefe finds out that his mom and Dad drank some stuff to "embrace the change" and create his legacy  before they had him.  if you need a refresher on that, go read that part right now. the  writing before the dash border is from Legacy and after that it's mine :)

"Okay"  Keefe  said, clapping his hands. "So... that happened."


"I'm fine, Foster," he interrupted in a squeaky voice that sounded anything but fine. "Seriously! Why wouldn't I be? I mean... sure, we just let a traitor go free in order to learn about how my mom did some freaky fertility thing to herself and my dad, so they'd have a kid with some weird mystery ability. But... you know what that means?"

"That you and our pretty blond moonlark probably understand each other better than anybody?" Ro suggested, batting her eyes when he turned to scowl at her. "What? I'm just saying! That's an awfully unique thing to have in common!"

"It is," Sophie had to agree.

Keefe shook his head. "Nah—it's two totally different things. Foster was, like... planned and researched and tested and hidden away and monitored and guided and protected. I mean, say what you want about the elves who signed up to be your secret genetic parents," he told Sophie, "but as far as the Black Swan goes, they tried really hard to do right by you. Meanwhile, my mom was apparently like, 'Eh, let's drink this stuff that'll almost kill us and see what happens to our baby!' And then it didn't work, so she was like... 'I know! Let's make a Shade do some stupid trick when my son's already way past manifesting age and see if that fixes it!' And then her Shade died, so she was like, 'No worries, I'll kidnap this surly guy with ugly bangs and make him take over!' So... clearly her planning skills need a little help—but I guess we already knew that because of how many times the Neverseen's plans have just been, like, bizarre."


"Keefe-" Sophie tried to interject but he kept ranting on.

"It's kind of depressing if you think about it, huh? The fact that the only reason my parents had me was to use me as their little science experiment and take over the world or whatever. Kind of makes me feel crummy for existing. I-"

"Look Keefe!" Sophie yelled. "I hate to interrupt you, because you have every right to be upset at this, but if that's the reason your mom wanted a kid, then thank goodness your parents did what they did."

His jaw fell open.

"Because I'm really glad you exist."

Tears sprung to her eyes at the same time they did to his. Keefe's cheeks turned red.  She gathered up all her courage and pushed it out into her words.  "You're amazing. I feel so blessed to have you in my life, in this world, and to be alive at the same time that you are."

She sniffed and turned away, trying not to cry.   "You're not your mom's science experiment. You're Keefe Sencen. You're funny, and caring, and kind, and..." she paced the room, her eyes burning from trying to hold back tears and her throat ached from holding back a  sob.  "You're my friend. And I love you."

Her heart dropped and her brain froze immediately. She had just said that she loved him, when she meant to say that she cared about him. It just came out so suddenly. Tears flooded her face. Her knees buckled. She felt ready to pass out.

"Shoot...Oh my gosh, I can't believe I just said that."  A whimper escaped her throat.  "I meant to say.."

I meant to say that I care about you, she thought.  But the words didn't come out.  A pain shot through her heart. Why won't the right words come out? What have I done?

But as Keefe wrapped his arms around her to keep her from falling to the ground, she realized love was the right word. Because for the first time, she felt true love. It wasn't like the way she felt about Fitz. It was different.  It wasn't just caring about him, it was loving him.  It was so pure, so true that as Keefe felt it a shock went through his body. He'd never felt an emotion like this love before.

I love him, she thought.  I love this boy so much. Her heart shifted. It felt like the satisfying feeling of placing down the last piece of a puzzle. And the phrase, "I love you" had never felt more right. She wanted to say it over and over again. She wanted to smother Keefe in so much love - and smother him in kisses too.  He deserved so much love.

She hugged him and repeated the words again, pressing all of the emotion forward into him. "I love you, Keefe Sencen."

"I love you too, Sophie Foster."

She gasped.

"No one's ever said that to me before,"whispered Keefe. "That...they love me."

A surge of indignation and disbelief shot through her upon hearing the heartbreaking confession.

"Well.." she whispered back, trying not to soak his cape with her ever-flowing tears, "I'm really glad to be the first. I love you so much. More than anything."

And as she hugged him tighter, the world felt so right, even when so many things were wrong with it. And she felt certain no matter what came at them, they could handle it. Together.

A/N AYOOOO I LOVE THAT! Also I kind of forgot Sophie and Fitz were together when I wrote this FHWKJ. I think this is my second Sokeefe confession oneshot (much better than the sucky confession in the Mallowmelt chapter lol) and I'm glad to give them the moment they deserve :) Vote , comment and share!

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