Chapter 2

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"'""Ezekiel's P.o.V"'""

It's normal for me to blow off my father, but for a slave, a slave I can't even have sex with. I'm being to nice, tomorrow night that all changes. Something about her, just makes me wanna be gentle, today my intentions were to break her in so she wouldn't be to comfortable, but it resulted in a make out session. Worst part is, I don't regret it. In all of my 194 years, she's probably the best kisser I've met. I looked down at her sleeping figure on me. I lifted her and pushed down the blanket. I put her underneath it. I stood up and walked around to find my shirt. Oh under the chair. I put it on and went to see what my dad wanted. I opened the door to his office. He turned around shock on his face.

"You called me earlier," I asked.

"Yes, what took you so long," his eyes narrowed as he inhaled, he probably smells her blood on me, I have bitten her twice. I can't control myself, with her blood its like one whiff and all my brain wants is her. With her body, its the same, but I have more control over that. "I see you have a new slave, why didn't you bring her along, her blood smells amazing, why not let me sample her," rage filled me.

"No, she's sleeping, like we should be," I walked away. Why did I get so mad? My dad had his way with all my other slaves. Most of them died after, but still. The thought of Emeris dead, it scares me for some reason. I've never felt such fear. Maybe it's not fear. It's just a weird feeling of dread and it kinda hurts. I walked back into the room. She was snuggled into the black pillow, her hair all over. I took off my shirt and walked into my large closet, now 1/4 of it is girl clothes, from jeans to dresses to shoes. I opened a drawer and pulled out some pajama pants. I took off the jeans I was wearing, there was a small knock and I could smell Emeris standing by the door.

"Come in," I called to her slipping on the pants. She slowly opened the door, still in her underwear.

"I woke up and you were gone, I really have to pee," her face looked scared and urgent. I walked out ushering her out. I pointed to the bathroom door.

"Right through there," she smiled and ran in. I laughed. I laid in the bed. She's so small. She can't even get up here. Maybe she needs a stool. I laughed at the thought. She came out the bathroom putting her hair up in a ponytail. "Don't leave it down," she stopped and let it fall back down.

"I, I have no clothes, and no clue where that dress went," she held her arm looking down while blushing.

"In the closet, there should be some pajamas for you in one of the drawers, also, some underwear," I stated. The sun is a drainer. She came back out holding some clothes. I pointed to the bathroom. "Everything you need should be in there," I felt my eyes start to close. I heard the shower come on. Apparently Elly knew her favorite shampoo and body wash. Only girls notice shit like that, but she got a few bottles of each and put them in there already. I heard the bathroom door open. I opened my eyes and looked at her. I don't know why, but the sight of her made me happy. Her hair was wet and she was towel drying it. She had on a navy blue tank top and some black shorts, much to short for anything but sleeping.

"Where do I sleep," she asked.

"Up here, next to me," I guess my answer shocked her, but she just nodded. I got off the bed and walked over to her. I'm so much bigger then her. Her big blue eyes scanned my body shamelessly. She looked down blushing, I guess she hadn't realized what she was doing. There was a knock on the door. I ignored it. I want her close to me. I need her close to me. The person at the door knocked again. Why is this happening again? I groaned, and turned to open the door. Xavier stood there laughing drunkily. Jennifer was trying to help him but he ignored her. He leaned against the door mumbling drunken words.

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