Chapter one- It's Wednesday

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Wednesday's P.O.V.

Birds...birds chirping in my ear. My eyes blinked open and I rubbed them a bit. I stared up at the ceiling, not wanting to get up. Come on. Get up. It's your first day of school so get up, you don't want to be late. I slowly sat up, groaning. I pushed the covers off of my legs and got up. I went over to my dresser, which has a mirror on it. I looked into the mirror and snickered at myself. I look terrible. I shrugged to myself, opening one of the drawers on my dresser. I picked out some clothes and headed across the hall to my bathroom. I closed the door behind me, and stripped. I turned the shower on and stepped inside.

Turning the shower head off, I wrung out my hair a bit. I dried it a little with my purple towel and then dried off my body. I hung the towel up on the rack behind the door and got dressed. I prefer to let my hair air dry and brush it afterwards, so I just left and went back to my room. I lied down on my bed and played "Weightless" by All Time Low on my phone, trying to calm my nerves. You see, music has really helped me throughout my life. It calms me, helps me sleep, etc.

I got up after a bit, feeling slightly more confident. I ran a brush through my hair now that it was dry. I smiled. I'd always loved my naturally red long hair. Not like many other people did, so I might as well. I got out my small makeup bag and looked at my mirror once again. I never really was big on makeup, so I only do a little, and sometimes none at all. I got out my liquid eyeliner and applied it to my eyelids. I then put small wings on the end. Staring into my own bright green eyes, I thought more about everything that could go wrong today.

I bit my lip, a habit conceived out of pure worry. What if people make fun of my accent..? After all I'm Scottish and have an accent for it...even though I was born in America my mother was full on Scottish. I was raised in America too, and I've never visited Scotland so I don't actually know how Scottish people talk. I sighed and inspected my outfit. I had on a red tank top on along with some black skinny jeans with a few rips in them. Over the tank top I had on my short black shirt that said "WEIRDO" on it in big white letters. Maybe not the best choice for my first day at my new high school, but I actually forgot to wash my clothes. I winced, picking a a long red hair off of my shoulder. Ew. I hate when I find those. I shoved some stuff into my ninja turtle shell backpack, including my earbuds, phone, notebook, and who knows what. And yes I am a bit of a fangirl for some shows and things. I opened my door. "Well here goes..."

I stepped out of my room, and down the stairs. "Mom? Where you be?" Yeah. I talk a bit funny. The only response I got was my own echo throughout the house. Oh...that's right. Now I remember. My mother isn't home, she had to go to a friends house to babysit her kids. This early though? Wow. Walking to the kitchen, I opened the fridge. I wasn't hungry; in fact I don't actually eat that much. I was bored. Opening the fridge when I was bored was yet another weird habit that I had started by accident. Closing the fridge door, I sighed. I went out the door and locked it behind me; Smiling to myself- trying to think positive thoughts. I crossed my arms, another habit because I wasn't the skinniest person (But more on that later), and began walking. We didn't live far from the high school. I walked for a bit then I arms. Oh no. I had forgotten a hoodie. Not that bad right? Well I have scars. Scars from the past. Scars from pain. The ground seemed to be getting closer, and I then realized I was kneeling. I could feel my breathing increase, and knowing that just made it increase more. My eyes widened, this whole time, my eyes resting on my arm. Scars for panic. Scars for anxiety. I realized I was on the ground now. No, not now! I thought to myself, panicked. You mustn't have a panic attack now. You can't. I won't allow it.

Tears formed in my eyes and I held them back- one of my specialties I had developed over time. I slowly got up. My breathing slowed a little. I clenched my crossed arms with my nails, leaving small marks on my skin. It helped enough for me to start walking again. My feet shuffled onward in my black combat boots. After a while and a few more skin marks later, I made it to the school...CVHS. Carson Valley High School. I opened the door. Stepping inside, my breathing increased once again. Someone passed me on their way out, looking at me oddly. I ignored them and walked up to the office which was right in front. The office lady looked up at me.


"This is my first day here.." That was all I managed to get out.

"Oh! So you're the new student. Alright, what's your name?"

" Wednesday Riggs." I seemed to calm down a bit.

"Okay..." She went through some papers and gave them to me. "These are your schedule and a map of the school. You're late, so here's a tardy slip as well." She explained as she wrote something down on a small rectangular paper. She handed it to me, and I nodded. I turned, forgetting to thank her. I walked down the hall, looking at my schedule and then my map. As I was figuring out where my first class was, I bumped into someone. I looked up, but no one was there. I did hear a grumble along with some footsteps behind me though. I turned around seeing someone walking the opposite direction other their hands shoved in their pockets. Rude. Sighing, I quickly made my way to my first class.

Zander's P.O.V.

Right as class started, a girl came in. She had red hair, the natural kind-not like a crayon color. Hmm. She glanced around, and I saw she had very bright green eyes. Going back up to Mr. Brandon, she gave him her tardy slip. He nodded and whispered something to She shook her head immediately. I wonder what he said. Nodding, Mr. Brandon pointed to a seat.

"You can sit there Miss Riggs." She nodded and sat down. I winced in pity for her. Of course she had to get the seat next to Jet Dello. Jet is the biggest, meanest, rudest guy in school. Now that she was sitting closer, I noticed her shoulders were rising and falling if she was breathing rather quickly. I wonder if she's okay...I looked up as Mr. Brandon caught my attention with morning roll call.

"Zander Felton?"

"Here." I called out obediently. I then winced. I hated how rebellious I wasn't. My train of thought ended as a few more names got called out.

"Wednesday Riggs?"

"Here." I heard a Scottish accent reply. I turned, to see the new girl. I blinked in surprise. Well I didn't expect that. If she's faking that, she's good at it. A few people murmured throughout the class, and I heard Jet snicker. Oh no. Wednesday, as I now knew her name, turned her head to him. I saw her breathing stop for a moment, like she was holding it.

Then a stone cold glare appeared on her face. "Oi! You! You're the one that bumped into me! You jerk." She practically snarled. Jet smirked.

"And what are you gonna do about it...Lucky Charms?" I could see her mouth drop, and the class 'ooo'ed. I even heard one girl go,"Burrrn!" I pitied her, this poor new kid. Then everything stopped. Oh my god...she punched him! My eyes widened as a few people gawked, and Jet's 'friends' glared at her. I glanced at Jet, he had his head on his desk while clutching his nose. The teacher yelled, furious.

"MISS RIGGS! TO THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY AND AFTER SCHOOL YOU CAN SEE ME IN DETENTION!" Her fair skinned face turned white as a sheet and she slowly nodded, walking out. That took guts...

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