Chapter Two- I kind of knew.

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Zander's P.O.V.

After a bit, the class had mostly settled down, and Jet had been sent to the nurses office. I raised my hand. "Yes Mr Felton?"

"Can I be excused?" Mr. Brandon nodded and continued to teach the class. I got up and exited the room. I headed for the bathroom, but stopped once i saw her, sitting there in the hallway. It was Wednesday. She seemed to be breathing heavily again. Not wanting to leave her there I stopped. "...You okay?" She jumped a little and looked up. For a moment, there was panic in her eyes; but it quickly faded.

Wednesday's P.O.V.

I Was lost, and the map I had was back in the classroom. Not wanting to go back just for that, in case they yelled at me or gave me more detention, I just sat down. My first day and i already have detention . Wait'll my parents hear that. I suddenly heard a voice. "You okay?" Trying to hide the fact that I was panicked, I looked up.

"Y-yeah." Crap! Why did you stutter?! looking at me for a second, he nodded. he didn't seem satisfied with my answer though...more like he was letting it go. We both stayed there for a second, the air awkward and silent. Then he sat down next to me.

"Wednesday, right?" he asked. I tried to fake a smile.

"you actually pay attention during role call?" He chuckled at me.

"I actually pay attention to a lot of things." he smiled. We sat there for a bit. "I know you're lost." He finally said.

"I know you know I'm lost." I said a bit quietly.

"Well I kind of knew you knew I knew you were lost." I actually smiled a bit this time.

"I'm impressed, you certainly do pay attention to things." He laughed a little, smiling slightly. He got up, and offered me a hand. I took it, and stood up next to him.

"I'm Zander. Nice to meet you Wednesday. need some help finding the principal's office I presume?" I nodded, blushing a bit from embarrassment at how dumb I could be. He nodded back at me and smiled. "This way." Zander motioned for me to follow, and I did. Soon we were at the Principal's office. I looked at Zander, not wanting to be alone in there-but knowing I had to be, I waved goodbye. He waved back , and left. I slowly put my fist up to the door, ready to knock. I gulped- and knocked, making a hollow sound echo through the quiet halls. The door opened and a voice said,"Ah, you must be Wednesday. Mr. Brandon informed me you were coming. Please, have a seat."

Zander's P.O.V.

I got out of my seat as the bell for lunch rang. Slinging my backpack straps over my shoulders, I started to think about Wednesday. I wonder if she'd be okay with me sitting by her at lunch. I mean, I only have literally one friend in school- and he's sick today anyways. She seemed nice enough, and she is new. Maybe it is possible for me to have more friends. Walking down the hall, I stopped at my locker. I put in the combination and opened the grey door. Storing my books in my locker, I stuffed my back pack in there as well. I walked down the hall to the cafeteria.

Once I got there, I paid for my lunch, got everything, and looked around for Wednesday. There she was...getting bullied by Jet's posse. I frowned, setting my lunch on the nearest table, and walked over. Poor Wednesday was just standing there...taking it. I tapped Griffon, one of Jet's 'friends', on the shoulder. "You want me to report you to the principal? You can't afford getting suspended again." I said. I winced on the inside- it was a weak way to stop them...but I hadn't the courage to test my physical strength against theirs. Griffin glared at me and nodded at his companion, signaling to leave her alone. I watched them go, and then looked back at Wednesday.

Wednesday's P.O.V.

I just stared at the ground. I usually would've stood up for myself but...I didn't want detention turning into suspension. I was thankful for Zander standing up for me but...I never know how to say thank you. I stood there for a second and finally whispered it. "Thank you." He smiled at me.

"You're welcome. You okay?" I finally looked up and nodded. I smiled a little, then looked at my lunch on the table...all by itself. Zander must have noticed.

"Is it okay if I sit by you...?" He asked. I smiled, at how nice and friendly he was.

"Of course!" I said a bit too quickly. He chuckled, and went and got his lunch. He sat across from me, and we ate in silence for a bit. Soon we were both finished, and we just sort of started talking. He asked why I was being picked on, it was because of my scars. I asked him why he was being nice, he said he didn't have that many friends. So on and so forth. After the bell rang, we went back to our classes.

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