Chapter Four- Weekend Fun

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Zander's P.O.V.

   I was bored out of my mind. I had already studied for Monday's test. I had done my chores. Yes I was a bit of a..."good" kid. I kind of hated it but...I doubt I could change that. I got out my phone, and smiled, remembering that I could talk to Wednesday. I opened up my contacts and clicked her name.

Zander: Hey.
Wednesday: hellooo!
Zander: This might seem creepy but, where do you live?
...oh no. Maybe that was a bit creepish...
Wednesday: I live in the Ranchos...I think that's what they're called. Gardnerville. You?


Zander: cool! I live in Minden. We aren't too far away then :)

I thought for a moment...i may seem a bit of a needy friend (if we can even call ourselves friends..)...whatever, be daring for once. I texted her before I could change my mind.

Zander: So you wanna hang out?

Oh. Oh god. What did you do you idiot! Now she's gonna ditch you and your chance of friendship!

Zander: I mean if you want to you don't have to in fact we can just see each other at school...well I should go.

I frowned, worried. Good job, you mess up. I sighed putting my phone down. But then it buzzed.

Wednesday: Zander, don't worry :) I'd love to hang out! Are there any good parks around town?

No way! She wants to go to the park? I smiled. Man, she must be good at telling when someone's down...maybe we could be friends. I texted my friend ...more like my only other friend- John.

Zander: Hey, how are you bro?
John: Heh, hey dude. I'm feeling slightly better, I think I'm getting over being sick.
Zander: That's good. So...I met a girl...
John: WAIT. YOU...met a GIRL?
I rolled my eyes. John always teased me about not getting a girlfriend. Not like Wednesday was anywhere near to being my girlfriend.
Zander: Dude, chill. She's just a girl- and we're just friends. I met her at school yesterday. We're meeting at the park today.
John: Heh okay whatever you say...good luck on your date!

I rolled my eyes again, and grabbed my bag with my stuff. Better to be prepared then sorry.

Soon I was at the park...and Wednesday...was no where to be seen. I frowned, nervous. Was she Going To stand me up? Could she even stand me up? We barely knew each other and its already over...idiot.
Right then someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned and- "Zander? You okay?" I smiled and hugged her slightly then quickly stopped.
"S-sorry, I thought you weren't coming a-and-" she grinned. "I wouldn't leave you here."

Wednesday's P.O.V.

    He hugged me, after I found him looking rather sad in the park. He thought I would just leave him there alone...poor thing. Even if I wasn't a very happy person myself I always wanted others to be. I gave him a small hug back, and we walked around for a bit, talking. "What's your favorite color, Zander?" I asked him curiously. He was silent for a moment, I could tell he was thinking. "'s very earthy."  I smiled, nodding. "What's yours?" I immediately replied. "Black." He looked at me a little funny. "I-it's my favorite because it's always pegged as a very dark color, and it usually means sadness... I think people just stereotype it that way, it can be a happy color." I said quietly. Zander chuckled.
"Wednesday, you have a very interesting viewpoint on things." I looked up and the corners of my lips twitched upward into a small smile. Soon, we stopped at a bench and sat. "Can I ask you something that may be a little personal?" He asked suddenly. I gulped a little. "S-sure." I said tugging a little on my jacket sleeves that his my scars- which Zander hadn't noticed yesterday thankfully.

    " You sounded really happy over text...but yesterday you were really down..." I smiled meekly. "I used to be happy, before I moved here Zander. I had a few friends, a comfortable clothing style, etcetera." He frowned. I quickly added," It's okay, this is-" he stopped me by putting a hand up. He slowly and quietly said something, but I managed to hear it. "Would it make you happier if I would be your friend...?.." I blinked. This poor person...he must be like me- few to no friends at all. I grinned widely. " would Zander. Thank You."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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