Chapter Three - friends?

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Wednesday's P.O.V.

As I walked up to my new home, I sighed in relief that the day, and detention, was over. I walked up the porch steps and turned the doorknob, going inside and closing the door behind me. Turning around, I saw mom in the kitchen, waving. "So...detention?" She teased. Hm. She must've gotten her anger out earlier, since she was a bit more cooled off now. I sighed, dropping my bag as I walked to the dining room.
"Yeah..." I said half heartedly. I just stood there as she cooked. Finally she broke the silence.
"Make any new friends..?" She asked a bit too hopefully. I sighed.
"I wouldn't really call him a friend." Oops. Big mistake revealing 'it' was a guy. She put the spoon she was stirring her meal with down. it comes.
"Ooh a guy friend?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows. I hissed. Yeah..I uh...hiss. Like a cat. It's just an imitation, I don't actually have kitty vocal chords. And to answer all of your questions- yes I'm an absolute dork, nerd, pick your favorite. Moving on. She smirked more and I glared at her, going to my room. I flopped onto my bed, adjusting my pillow under my head. Getting my phone out of my pocket as well as my earbuds, I plugged them in and turned some music on. Then a loud beep echoed through my ears. I winced slightly and opened my eyes. It was some random number that had texted me "hey." I raised an eyebrow and almost immediately after another text popped up. "Sorry! I should've said who I was. It's Zander." If my eyebrow could've gone up further, it would've. I quickly texted back,"How did you get my number???" He texted back after a bit. "Oh um sorry I may have asked the school for it.." I smiled remembering that he doesn't have many friends, which I can now relate too. I used to have a few back home, but here...Nope. I added his name to my contacts.
Wednesday: It's okay :)
Zander: heh, thanks I thought you would have definitely thought that that was creepy
Wednesday: Hey...thanks for sitting with me at lunch. It means a lot.
Zander: no, thank you, really.

I giggled a bit at how gentlemanly he was.

Zander: well, I better go I have homework to do.
Wednesday: Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then?
Zander: sure thing :)

You smiled slightly at the thought of already having a friend here...'Well, Wednesday- we made good progress today.'

Without Wednesday ~Bucket ._.Where stories live. Discover now