ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏx ᴄʜɪʟᴅ! ᴏʜ ᴍʏ!

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A small child ran across the room, sliding on a pair of roller skates.

" y/n dear, come here." Spoke a lovely old woman.

The small child nodded their head and skated over.

" oh dear, when will you take that box off?" The woman spoke worriedly.

She had reached out for the box on the child's head.

Underneath the box, y/'s expression turned fearful.

" no thank you, miss Sheryl-" the child skated back to avoid her hands.

Sheryl's face had a pained expression, but her face softened.

" ah, well alright.. but will you go wake up the children and get them ready for breakfast?" 

She had shakily responded.

" sure thing." The child skated back and down a long hallway.

Y/n raced down the hallway, and ran right into a wall.

Y/n's face had been pressed hard against the box on their head

" ow- jeez-" 

Y/n pulled back, and continued down the hallway at a slow pace.

They came to a large hallway with doors, they felt the longer they stared the more it grew and stretched. They shook their head, box rattling against their head.

They quickly skated down the hallway and as they passed, gave a hard knock to each door, they ended up reaching the end of the hallway, and opened their own bedroom door. 

The rattling of metal is heard as y/n stands on their skates tips to look over an overly large crib.

There, is a little baby, shaking a rattle with a little metal cat and dog attached onto it, 

A wonderful d.i.y  y/n made. 

Y/n lifted their arms up to the best of their ability and cradled the child.

They did a twist and skated down the hallway, once more. With less speed, due to the child.

If they are honest they almost dropped the child a few times.

Y/n skated into the dining hall, where the children were.

The children were yelling, and throwing stuff around. In all being a ruckus.

The baby started crying in y/n's arms, and they raced down the different tables in the hall.

they raced to Sheryl, and quickly handed her the baby.

" thank you, honey." Sheryl held the child, and nodded.

"' mhm-!" Y/n quickly sped off to the end of the hall.

They grabbed the large bell, and started Ringing it, loudly. Attempting to get the attention of the rowdy kids.

The children slowly went quite and turned to the box headed kid.

" okay, quite down! It's time to eat." Y/n spoke as loud as they could.

The children all started screaming at once, and y/n rung the bells again.

Y/n set the bell down, and skated off to the kitchen.

The Childrens screams turned into faint chatter and laughter.

Y/n skated by a closed metal window, snatched the string and pulled it open.

They begun to attempt to make eggs, to the best of their ability. 

They hadn't been properly taught, but they tried. When miss Sheryl was so old, running an orphanage all on her own, she needed some help, so y/n had to step up, being the oldest kid. 

She was a kind woman, she spent a lot of her life protecting to children and caring for them. Y/n wanted her to die happily, -seeing as she had begun to get old, and suffered many illnesses-.y/n hoped they would be able to still care for the orphanage even after her passing. 

" y/nnnn! We're all hungry!" A small toddler whines, snapping y/n out of their thoughts.

" okay- I'm almost done-" y/n begun to rush with the eggs.

Y/n set out all the plates on the top of the window and rung the bell.

The kids started running to the window grabbing plates.

Y/n knew the orphanage wasn't the richest. God, the orphanage used to be a school, but they were scraping by.  


Y/n pushed the pan beside and skated to the door, running into a few kids, and tripping on the carpet, but none the less, answering the door. 

Y/n opened the door, and was faced with a man with a large beard, and a nice pressed suit. 

" uhm.. hello..?" Y/n spoke cautiously, y/n had seen a few action movies on Sheryl's old DVD's, and they knew these guys were scary.  

" hello kiddo, I'm officer McYum, and this is my partner Sam, and we're lookin for a "Sheryl, king, you know her?"

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