ɴᴇᴡ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ

979 31 26

(Hey everyone, it's been a long time- so uh for a short summary I'm going to be posting some more chapters for you guys! I have a few ideas, and I left most of my books here on cliff hangers- so yeah! My writing style might be different but y'know, I hope you guys will like it- )

" alright. Let's try this one more time, shall we?"

Quackity would smile down at the child, as they grit their teeth

"I hate you."

" well that isn't what we wanted, now is it?"

Y/n sat in the chair across Quackity's desk, as he lazily sat in his blue chair 

" now, Y/n, how are we going to become friends if you don't cooperate?"

They'd glare at him, and groan

Maybe they should just get this over with.

"My favorite color is, (f/c) and my favorite animal is a (F/a). There. Happy?"

" hm, yes. Very."

He'd smile and clap his hands together, handing the child a small piece of expensive looking chocolate ( if you can't eat chocolate, imagine it as something you'd like to eat)

They'd grab at it desperately, it being the first thing they have eaten in hours

Long by now, quackity had some personal paramedics come in and clean up the wound, and give the child crutches to walk on

" now, my turn. My name is Quackity, my favorite color is blue, and I love ducks! See? We are already such good friends."

They'd ignore everything he just said and continue eating the chocolate, only glancing up slightly at him

Quackity was interesting, he had a large scar crossing the left side of his face, his eye being a pure white. He wore a blue suit, with a gold pin in the shape of a duck on his vest pocket. He strangely seemed to have two golden wings on his back, they were pretty small though. Did everyone here have some unique feature to them?

He looked dangerous, but he hadn't acted that way at all. He just has been trying to make small talk with them, which they didn't like but they didn't want to threaten their so far survival.

" now, why don't-"



He'd get interrupted by his desk phone ringing, he'd narrow his eyes and let out a low groan 

"I'm busy. What is it."

He'd speak harshly into the phone, y/n now curiously watching him angrily stare ahead of himself, and a muffled voice coming from the phone

"Can't he wait? It's not that-"

A loud yelling came from the phone, as quackity gripped the phone and y/n would swear his eye turned into a slit 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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