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I'm so fwahked up.

Save me lucifer

I walk through the busy halls where crazy teenagers are singing and hooting with their friends. Running and cursing maybe because they're late for classes.

"Ayo nerdy how you doing? " A boy said loudly as his group members smiled at me.

Probably judged me by the glasses I'm wearing. Oh, by the way I'm wearing a black hoodie up with black shorts and how can I forget my glasses.

"Pretty good fuck face" I replied with a victory sign and my ' oh so smexy smile'.

He just laughed with all his friends and waved a bye. Suddenly an arm circled around my shoulder as I craned up my neck a little to see my best friend.

"How's your 'oh so fwahked up life'? " He asked me with a sly smile.

"Still a regret but it's okay"

Yup, he knows about it. We are actually partners in crime. He's like my assistant too, informs me about everything and all other stuffs you know.


We are partners in crime not fake one but actual ones. Fuc-

No, No, No it's Fwahk

Suddenly my head hit something real hard as yelped in pain rubbing my forehead.

"You fucker, couldn't you tell me there was fucking wall infront of me " I said huffing.

"I was enjoying the show"


' It will be easy for you to solve this question this way'

Suddenly the bell rang and finally our teacher left the class. Everyone got up and acted as if they were some prisoners who were finally set free.

Ignore the fact I'm jumping too. Anyways

So yeah, now I'm looking for hamster who came running towards me. No not the real one, it's my bestfriend. My real hamster doesn't give two shits about anyone.

"So how was your day" I asked him taking out some Pringles out of my bag.

"Pretty fucked up. I think Mr Kingston has some issue with me, he gave me detention once again just because I accidentally threw some ink on his pants when he tried to wake me up while he was teaching" He said sadly.

"I wonder why he gave you detention" I said with a shocked face and wide smile.
Fake obviously.

"If it was me I would've killed you"

After some time we both went our ways. When suddenly I felt someone was there behind me. I slowly touched my wrist to make sure if I have my blade or not.

Then I slowly stuffed my hands inside my pockets to check whether I'm carrying knife when suddenly a hand covered my mouth and grabbed me by my waist.

Before I could react or do something he growled and cursed after suddenly leaving me and before running. After that I saw some cars following him.

These cars, they belong to viles. If you are thinking how I know then let me tell you those dumb fucks have fucking pasted their gangs name on their car.

I don't think the person was here to kidnap me. He wasn't hiding at this place for too much time either cause he was breathing heavily.

I think he knew who I was and wanted help or maybe he actually wanted to kidnap or rob me. It can be anything but what I should be sure of is to be alert.

After walking for sometime I reached home and opened the door with keys.
Darkness was all I could see. The place looked like nobody lived here.

Well not that it wasn't true. My parents come home once in 6 months that too if they aren't busy and I'm mostly at school or dark alleys or getting myself kidnapped by a gang.

I made my way upstairs where I saw no one so I made my way towards the kitchen which was just beside my room.

That was where I saw my hamster rolling on the top of the kitchen counter.

"Hey buddy" I said moving my hand slowly in front of him as he patted my hand slightly.

Slowly crawling as I helped him, he crawled until he reached the top of my head.

We both went back to our room and I threw my bag somewhere. Opening my laptop I binge watched some series after completing my assignments.

Never realised how the whole day went by, I ate my dinner with Hank. Sleeping for two hours I got up at exactly 11 p.m. cause I still haven't completed my goal.

My goal of irritating people.

Quickly getting up I took the keys, locked the house and decided to irritate some people.

I went to the same place I always go.

"Ooh, look at this little girl huh" I heard a male and when I looked I saw a group of 4 drunkards looking at me.

"I think we got a lil lamb tonight " Another person there hooted as the rest of them smirked.

He slowly came towards grinning as he harshly grabbed a fistful of my hair.

He slowly came towards me to kiss me and I just smirked.

His friends laughed when his body hugged mine but as soon as I slowly pushed his body a little they all gasped.

A blade in my hand which was covered with his blood. His body fell on the floor with a thud as I moved towards him slowly as I stepped on his hand moving towards the other three.

They all ran away. C'mon I wasn't done yet.

But I think rather than irritating, teaching a lesson to some dumb fuck was good too.

No he isn't dead he just fainted but if I saw him doing this shit ever again I don't think I'll leave him alive to regret.


Wasted my time on these idiots. It was already half an hour left and It will take me 15 min to reach home.

I stood in a corner waiting for some more drunkard. So after sometime one came and I internally chuckled. I stuck my feet out as he fell and groaned.

"You fucking bitch" He cursed but reluctantly left.

What's wrong with everyone today. Either they are leaving or running.

As soon as I reached home I got call from raccoon.

"A gang wanted to talk to you. Earlier they tried to reach you but they had to run"

Now I know who the person was.

Guess I'm busy this week too.

Wait a minute-

I just realised I never got to know Mr unknowns name.


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