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Thank you to everyone who is reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I think I actually stopped breathing!  For a second I just stood there staring at him but then he looked in my direction and waved.  I had to get out of this trance like state, quickly.  I awkwardly wave back and he walks back into his house.  This can't be real, can it?  No way can I live on the other side of the road to the Janoskians.  This can't be happining.  

1 week later

"Ellen are you awake?" Shouts my mum.  "Yeah!" I scream.  I stare at my clock, it's 7am.  Time to get up for school I guess.  It feels so early.  I throw on my new uniform and run downstairs for breakfast.  Once I'm downstairs I see my mum has made me pancakes for breakfast.  "Thanks for the pancakes mum" I say as I'm picking up the nutella.  "Don't want you to go hungry on your first day, do we?" My mum says.  I scoff down my pancakes and finish them just as I hear a knock at the door.  I carefully place my plate in the dishwasher and run to the door. It's Freya.  "You ready to go?" Says Freya as I'm opening the door.  "Yeah, let me just get my shoes on and grab my bag" I say as I'm frantically looking for my shoes.  I find my shoes and grab my bag before shouting bye to my mum.  "Bye, have a good day"  Says mum. The school looks pretty nice.  It's a whole lot bigger than my tiny one in England.  "Come over here and meet my friends" Freya says as she's pulling me over to a group of people. "Okay"  I laugh.  A round of 'hi's' get said to me before Freya says: "This is my boyfriend Ben".  "Hi" I say.  "Hey" Ben says while giving Freya a hug.  I was in quite a lot of classes with Freya and they were all quite enjoyable to be honest.  The final bell went and it was home time.  Me and Freya and arranged to meet up at the gate so we could walk home together.  I got there a bit before Freya so I get out my phone to check Facebook.  "Hi" Someone says while I'm looking down at my phone.  "Um, hi" I say while putting my phone into my pocket.  As I look up I realise who it is.  It's Luke!  I thought I was going to faint but I managed to keep my cool.  "You're the girl that just moved in across the road aren't you?" Luke says.  "Yeah, I moved in last week" I say as I'm trying to keep calm.  "You wanna walk home together?" He casually says.  Wow! Wowzas.  Is this a dream, am I going to wake up and it is all going to be some crazy dream?  "Umm, well I waiting for my friend but you can wait if you want" I say trying not to squeal.  "Sure, who are you waiting for?".  "I'm waiting for my friend, Freya" I say.  "Ahh, I know Freya.  She's the crazy girl in year 10 right?" He says laughing.  "Yup, that's her. Oh look here she is"  I say pointing towards Freya.  "I see you've met Luke" Freya says as she joins us.  "Haha, yeah" I say as we start to walk. 

The walk home was really fun and Luke said that we should hang out!  I actually can't wait till school tomorrow so I can see him.

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