I wish I lived in the present

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Zynair finally had the chance to escape, maybe the universe isn't as cruel as he thought. He quickly went back upstairs while minding the loudness of his footsteps. One mistake and everything is over.

Returning successfully into his room, he opened his closet and there he found his ready-to-go bag all set. He softly smiled as he changed out of his usual clothing into a black sweater, gray sweatpants, and held his old white sneakers to wear once he's outside.

He's going outside.

He slowly made his way downstairs with his bag behind his shoulders. He, once again, made sure that his father is still asleep for him to do his greatest escape and the universe is so kind to make his father sleep more. Smiling to himself, he wore his face mask and cap then quickly walked towards the front door and opened it.

For the first time in 3 weeks, he's finally outside.

Running down the streets as fast as he can, he managed to get away from the place he once called "home".

He's finally free.


Walking down the streets of the town, Zynair looked at the colorful shops around and was delighted by the scenery. It looked like a drawing painted by the careful hands of the painter. Zynair breathe in the fresh air and smelled the newly baked bread from a nearby bakery.

Feeling his saliva drooling down his mouth, Zynair immediately followed the smell until he reached the said bakery. He entered the shop and was greeted by the overwhelming smell of pastries that's newly baked, freshly taken out from the oven.

He reached for his bag and pulled out his wallet for him to buy something to eat. He walked over to the cashier register and behind the counter was a female with short black hair and pink highlights. She's in her mid-20's and was chewing on something then noticed the teen in front of her. She smiled at him, "Hello there!" she said, "What can I get you for today?"

Zynair looked over at the display where the pastries are stored in and pointed out at the glazed doughnut, "That one please." "That will be $5." the woman replied. Zynair pulled out $10, "I would also like a bottle of water." he added and the woman nodded.

He watched her reach for the doughnut and grab the bottle of water from the fridge behind her. She placed the doughnut inside a paper bag and gave Zynair the bag and bottle, "There you go kid." she said with a smile, "Thank you miss.." Zynair looked at the name tag of the cashier, "Jae. Thank you Miss Jae."

Jae nodded, "No problem." and observed the kid while Zynair walked over to one of the stools and sat down to eat. Jae furrowed her brows, "Looks like that kid ran away."


Jae just stared at the kid, wondering what happened to him while a short brunette girl approached her, "Sup Jae." she greeted the other and placed her hand over Jae's shoulder, "Something wrong?" and looked at the direction where she's staring at. There she saw the lonely black haired kid eating his doughnut.

"Did you give that to him for free?" "NO!" Jae, raising her tone, immediately defended herself, "He bought it with his own money." she said softly and just stared at him. The brunette smirked, "You look so creepy while staring at him." "Shut up Arii." Arii gasped, "WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT TO YOUR OWN KID?!" Jae rolled her eyes and continued on observing Zynair.

Another person entered the scene. She has long black hair with pink streaks, wears a hoodie with a cat design in the middle, and has a hairclip to avoid getting the hair block her face. She approached the other two, "Hey guys!" she greeted them lively and gave them a small wave. Arii waved back, "Mary! Welcome back!" she greeted back as Mary approached the counter.

Arii approached her, "So how's my favorite customer?" she said and pressed buttons on the register. "Eh still the same." Mary replied, "Also I would like to have-" "a brownie with ice cream." Arii interrupted her and it made Mary giggle, "You really memorized what I'm gonna order huh?" "Well duh! You always order that here." Arii defended herself and typed down her order, "Aight I'll get it for you in a sec." and left her alone with Jae who is lost in her thoughts.

Mary got a bit worried for her friend. Usually, Jae would always greet her first before Arii but now, it looked like she's lost in her thoughts. She looked over to the direction where Jae's staring at and saw the kid, still chewing on his doughnut slowly as if it will disappear immediately.

She looked back at Jae once again but noticed a change in her expression, sorrow and sympathy. "Hey Jae." Mary said, trying to get the attention of her friend and it worked. Jae snapped out of her thoughts and looked over to the person who called her name, "Oh! Hey Mary." she greeted back with a small smile, "I didn't notice that you're already here."

"Mhm." she nodded and looked at the kid once again, "Did something happen?" she asked and looked back at Jae whose face changed into sadness. Jae slowly nodded, "I just feel bad for him." she admitted and looked at the kid, "He looked like he ran away from home." Mary nodded in return, "Sadly, not all children have great parents."

Jae nodded, "Fucking assholes." Mary nodded. Arii returned and saw her friends staring at the kid who is now drinking water, "Uh... Are you guys ok?" "Do you wanna help him Jae?" Mary asked her and Jae looked at Mary, "Well I do but-" and looked down, "What if his parents are looking for him?" "He should be back home if his parents are." Mary replied.

The doorbell ringed signaling that a new person entered the shop. A girl with shoulder-length hair and brown strokes who's wearing glasses walked up to the counter. Jae got the attention of the person walking in and smiled at her, "Hey Jade." she greeted her and received a small wave, "Hey Jae."

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