~ Chapter 2 ~

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"Is this seat taken?" You ask the boy sitting at the table.
"No ,go ahead." He says ,taking a quick glance at you.

"Thank you! All the seats here are so full." You say ,sitting down next to him ,your eyes scanning the cafeteria which is filled with students and chitter chatter.

"Erm..my name's Han Kyul! You're Mi Rae, right?" He asks.

"I am! How did you know? " You ask with a smile.

"Well , I was going to ask you when you entered the class but everybody came rushing in and i didn't get to say anything and then you introduced yourself so..yeah."

He says ,putting a hand through his hair.
"You're in my class?? How come i didn't see you?" You squeal.

"I don't know ,maybe you didn't look properly?" He says with a smile.

"I'm so sorry!" You giggle.
"Friends?" You extend your arm forward.

"Sure ,why not?" He blinks at you and shakes your hand. You grin at him ,
"So tell me ,how's this school like? I just want to explore every inch of this place! And everyone seems so nice!"

"Ha! It's all an illusion. I'm sorry to burst your bubble on the first day itself but it just looks good and as for the students ,let's just say i'd rather be abducted by aliens and spend my time on mars or something." He says ,scrunching up his nose and folding his lips inwards.
You let out a laugh and Han Kyul stares at you ,as if he's surprised that you laughed at his silly joke. "You thought that was funny?" He asks shyly.

"Hell yeah! You seem like a funny guy Han Kyul-ah!" You say, patting his shoulder.

"That's the first time anyone has said that." He thinks to himself.
All he can do is smile in return so he flashes you a sweet smile.

"Oh ,Han Kyul?"


"Could you show me around school after we're done with lunch? I'm dying to see more of the campus!"

"I'd love to chingu*!" ~

"You go ahead! I need to take a shower first!"

You wave at Han Kyul as he nods at you and runs out of the gym ,his bag bouncing on his side.
You smile to yourself thinking about how lucky you are to have a friend such as Han Kyul. It's only been a week at school but the only friend that you've managed to make is him and even though it upsets you a bit that you've not been able to connect with more people ,you're not going to give up. After all the lonely years you spent at home ,you want to have a good social life and you will try your best to live a normal high school life.
You get rid of your sweaty gym clothes and take a good warm shower.
After slipping back into your uniform ,you start drying your hair with a towel ,that's when you hear a whimper.
You look around but there's no one there. Your first instinct is to run but at the same time ,curiousity arouses and you start walking through the aisles of the girl's locker room ,following the noise.
You enter the last aisle and come to a hault when you see a girl ,sitting on the floor with her back against the locker and her head resting on her knees.

"Uhmm..are you okay?" You ask ,gently placing a hand on her shoulder.

She slowly looks up and your heart almost leaps out of your chest. Her mascara is spread all over her pale face and she looks like she's about to go audition for a horror movie.

"I..I.." She breaks down into tears again ,holding her face.
"There ,there. It's alright. I don't know what happened but it'll be alright." You sit down next to her and throw your arm around her shoulder ,giving her a light side hug.
She starts crying harder and you tighten your grip around her ,trying to console her without using words.
After about five minutes or so ,your arm starts getting numb but the girl keeps crying on your shoulder ,refusing to move.
A side of you wants to leave but the dominant side of you wants the girl to feel better so you dare not budge. You're about to say something to the girl when a boy walks in and stands in front of you two. Your gaze slowly goes up from his shoes upto his face and your eyes open wide. "What is he doing here?" You think to yourself.
"I'm sorry but this is a girl's locker room." You tell Kevin.

"I know. I can read." He says sternly.

"Then what are you doing here?

He ignores your question and squats down in front of the girl.

"Look ,i didn't mean it like that. Would you stop crying now? The whole school is making me into some sort of bad guy."

Now ,you're just confused as to what's going on. You look to your left and the girl finally looks up. Your face cringes at her because her mascara seems to have streamed down to her neck and she doesn't exactly look presentable.

"I don't want to talk to you!" She says ,sniffing.

"Just come with me okay?" He grabs her hand and pulls her up along with himself.

"Uhmm...will you be okay?" You ask the girl before Kevin can drag her away.

But to your astonishment ,she simply looks away ,wiping her tears. And lets Kevin drag her out of the locker room.
*chingu = friend in korean

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