~ Chapter 8 ~

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"Ok kid ,just lie down for a while ,you'll be fine! Your friendcan stay if she'd like." Nurse Hye Jin says with a warm smile.

"Thank you so much!" You say bowing towards her.

"It's no big deal. I'll get going then ,you both stay here." You turn to face Han Kyul who's already tucked away in bed.

"You okay?" You ask ,sitting at the edge of the bed.

"I'm fine.." He says in a shaky voice ,sitting up straight.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that because of me."

"Are you crazy? I butt in and you don't have to be sorry for anything! I just want to know if you're okay ,that's all. By the way ,can i ask you something?"


"Why does all this bother you so much? Fights and arguments?"

"Ermm..well..i used to get beaten up by my stepdad a lot ,he used to yell at me and let's just say it still bothers me? Not like it used to but i think that's why i just hate getting into fights."

"I'm sorry Han Kyul ah.." You place your hand on his and squeeze it lightly.

"I'm better now ,don't you worry about me!" He says flashing you a bright grin.

"Do you still live with your stepdad now?"

"Nope. I ran away to live with my dad and after he found out ,he never let me go back."

"I'm glad." You say with a smile.

"What about you? Where did you get all those moves from? I wanted to laugh so badly! Joon Young's face was hilarious!"

"Well he deserved it! Such a jerk! Actually ,Heiden taught me a few moves years back. He was worried about leaving me home alone so he taught me how to defend myself just incase ,it came in handy today." You say with a wink.

"I'm glad you learned those moves then! And Mi Rae?"


"Thanks for everything."

"Hey! Why are you getting all sappy now?" You say with a laugh.

"Just..it really means a lot to me!"

"Now don't tell me you're going to propose to me or something." You tease him.

"How did you know?" He asks ,placing a hand on his chest.

"Ha Ha very funny." You stick your tongue out at him.

"You know ,you remind me of my sister."

"You have a sister?"

"Step sister but she was adorable! I got along with her well but i haven't seen her since i ran away."

"Don't you want to see her again?"

"I do but with what happened and high school ,it's all really complicated ,you know?"

"I get you! Don't worry ,one day you'll get to see her again! I'll make sure it happens!"

"Yeah one day! Till then ,i'm just going to play around with you." He playfully throws his arm around your neck and places a kiss on the top of your head.

"Hey! You just wiped your saliva on my hair!" You chuckle.

"Should i spread some more?" He pulls you closer towards him and starts showering your head with kisses making you giggle.

"Are they more than just friends?" Kevin stands at the doorstep ,peeking in through the half open door ,wondering to himself.

"Why is he hugging her like that? She seems to be liking it....wait..why is this bothering me? I don't care who she's dating. Ughh why did i even come here? Ofcourse she's fine ,she's with her boyfriend and by the looks of it ,she seems happy." Kevin thinks to himself.
He sighs and gives you one last look before walking away.

"Hey Han Kyul! You should sleep now ,get some rest! I'll bring your bag over later on okay?"

"Yeah sure! Take care okay? Stay away from Joon Young!"

"I'll be fine! Just rest well ,I'll see you later!"
You shut the door and head straight to the bathroom.
As soon as you enter the bathroom ,you breathe out a loud sigh of relief. To be honest ,you were scared when Joon Young had tried to attack you like that but you couldn't look weak in front of him. You had never been in any fights before and neither had you ever been hit by a man so having Joon Young charge at you like that ,it shaked you up a bit.
"If this is the high school life then i don't want to be a part of it. I'd rather go back to being home schooled." You think to yourself as you splash water on your face.
You linger around in the bathroom for a while before gathering up courage to go back to class.

"Hey kiddo! How was school today?" Heiden asks ,taking off his apron.

"Meh ,usual ,boring." You say ,throwing yourself on the couch.

"Boring? That's one word i thought i'd never hear you say about high school!"

"Well it's not like i imagined it to be ,everyone is so weird..i just ,i don't know..i don't like it much."

"Hey ,it's only been like half a semester! You'll get used to it and you might even start loving it so don't lose hope! I know you've always wanted to be around kids your age and just have fun so don't give up on that! You'll soon be having parties here without me knowing." He says with a laugh.

"I hope so too.." You say softly.

"Anyways ,you must be hungry! Go wash up ,dinner's ready!"

"Yeah sure."

Changing into your pyjamas ,you wonder if what Heiden is saying will come true or not.
You want it to but with the way things have been going lately ,you're afraid that the only true friend you'll ever have is Han Kyul.
You don't see it as a bad thing but at the same time ,who wouldn't like to have a bunch of good friends around or even a strong love life? Heading towards the dining room ,you wonder if you will ever have both.

so..how is it? Kevin seems having a lil bit jealousy here ... =p
don't forget to tell me your opinion about this fanfic ^^

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