How you met

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It was when you and Clawd were paired up in a group project for dead languages, you were quite nervous to be paired with someone that isn't very close to you like friends and he was the popular boy in school!

During Class the teacher was saying that today we would do a class project, you didn't really like Dead Languages but you did want to get good grades for your parents to be proud of you, you waited until your name was called, you got quite nervous, you did want to get paired up with Frankie since you were both very close, but.. that didn't happen 

Instead you got paired with the most sweetheart of a boy and the most popular boy in school, and forget to mention he was the bloody captain for the casketball team

'oh god' you thought as you saw Clawd make his way to your desk sitting down next to you, you did mention to yourself not to make a fool out of yourself because you can get pretty weird with new people

"Hey, Y/N right?" he said, god you forget how tall he was, you just nodded, "Cool, do you want to start on this project?" he asked, "okay" you said, "Great" 

To your surprise you both managed to finished before the bell even rang...


Well since you are good friends with Clawdeen's brother Clawd, Clawd wanted to introduce you to his sister Clawdeen, you didn't know much about her but you knew she had sassy attitude and that she was in a popular group of ghouls

You were just walking around the school until you heard your name that was yelled out, you turned around to be faced with Clawd, "Yes Clawd, is something wrong?" you asked, he just shook his head "Nah nothing's wrong but I do want to introduce you to my sister" He said, "Oh okay I don't mind that at all" you said

"Great, but she isn't very good with new people but she will eventually" Clawd said as you both started to make your way inside the building

 "Ah, there she is! CLAWDEEN!" he yelled catching his sister's attention from talking to her ghouls to her brother, she looked confused until she saw you beside Clawd, "What's up?" she said, putting one hand on her hip

'yep sassy attitude' you thought

"Well I just wanted to Introduce you to someone" Clawd said, "The monster that is standing beside you?" she asked, Clawd nodded, "Meet Y/N" Clawd said , you just waved awkwardly, "Hi you must be Clawdeen?" you said, she just hummed in response

"Well-" you said but got interrupted by the bell, "Oh got to go" you said, running past the werewolf

Clawdeen didn't really talk much to you but you sure did catch her eye 


Actually you both met at a mall, while at the mall you saw two people but one did seem to have trouble holding all the bags so you wanted to help the person

You were happily strolling in the mall with your little brother, because you need to babysit your brother while your parent were at a trip so you thought going to the mall will be okay for the both of you to relax, but you did notice two ghouls walking around 

one with blue hair and one that had brown-ish, they kind of looked like sisters of how Identical they looked, you told your brother to sit and wait while you walk over to the struggling girl

"Here let me help" you said, The ghoul just look at you, she just shook her head saying that she was fine but instead of leaving her to struggle you took some bags, you innocently smiled, the ghoul mumbled a thank you when you both got to the exit

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