Their thought on you

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When he got called saying you were his partner he became happy since he's always with his bros but he wanted to try someone different, someone special

'god we are doing another project damn and it's only Monday, I wonder who I'm gonna pair up with?... Y/N?'

'ooo Y/N they're pretty nice and kind of cute when they stutter on their words heh, god I hope she'll like me and not think I'm a jerk sometimes'


When she first met you she became more thoughtful, like ever since she met you she couldn't stop thinking about how pretty/handsome you were

'ugh my brother calling for me what is it this tim-.. oh my ghoul IS THAT HIS FRIEND?! geez..'

"Meet Y/N"

'Y/N huh pretty/handsome name for a pretty/handsome monster if you tell me.. oh the bell, time for class ugghhh..'

'i cant focus in class ever since I've met my brother friend Y/N all I've been thinking is them.. aghhh'


When you came by helping Cleo, she couldn't say anything expect nod and mumbled a thank you, what is getting Cleo so worked up

'ugh Nefera is not even helping god I've shouldn't come here.. all she been doing was talking on that stupid icoffin..'

"Hey do you need help?"

'Oh my Ra... who is this?.. do i need help hmm.. maybe I can get help by this pretty/handsome monster.. yes that would be excellent getting help by a pretty/handsome monster but not as pretty as me though'


Man he didn't even say anything but after that match he couldn't stop thinking of how good you were at casketball and how nice you were instead of saying mean comments

'damn we lost.. it was a close one that for sure.. man now I'm tired, oh clawd's coming'

"Hi.. hi Sorry to interrupt but you guys were amazing.. oh I'm Y/N by the way.. oh got to go maybe I would see you's in the future!"

'Who was that?.. damn that babe/dude was.. oh god now I can't get them out of my head maybe during the day the thought will go away'

'nope didn't go away.. damn it'  


After when she met or well bumped into you she was over heels for you...

'god I'm so late!, I've never been so late before- ow! what in the world?..'

"Omg I'm so sorry!"

'they are gorgeous/handsome... quick apologize..'

'wait ain't i missing something..?'

"Oh no I'm late for class! see ya!"



Well Frankie did get embarrassed when you told her she's going though your locker...

'oh no where is it! damn it! I hate when my hands just pop out of nowhere and runs off somewhere.. wait Oh it's in this locker! okay let me just get into the locker to get you, little bugger'

"Um excuse me"

'mm?.. oh gee.. they must be thinking what I'm doing'

"Why are you trying to get into my locker?"

'huh?! oh god.. I'm going though their locker!.. ohhh now I'm just making myself feel like jerk'


When she met ya she thought you were the nicest monster she ever met in her life besides from her ghouls of course..

'okay I hope I win.. oh who's this waving at me.. hiii'




'Woah I came first! Yess my parents are gonna be so proud of me when I get home!.."

"Wow you were amazing!"

'oh It's the same monster from earlier... well they were good as well... I should say they were pretty fast to catch up to me!"


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