Out of the story: Sonia - MGU (me o3o)
On the AntVenom party Sonia met Mets.
They became friends, and they had fun.
"How about an adventure?"- MGU
"Which one,huh?" - MDM
"I'd like to see Sky and Jason,that will be fun,won't it?" - MGU
"Amazing, I'd like to. Let's go. Maybe,tomorrow?" - MDM
"Right, tomorrow!:)" - MGU
MGU packed her stuff and on the next day met Mets in the park.
They went to their destiny.
Through servers, through maps,through forests,through caves.
"I'm tired, let's build a house. Really. It's night" - MGU pointed at the sky
"Agrrhhh... Ok."-MDM
They made a smart shelter and overslept the night.
In the morning.
"What's about to mine some budder?" - MDM
"Good idea. I wish we had some pick axes." - MGU
Mets stared at Sonia.
"Naahh,unfortunately, we have some. OKAY OKAY. Bunch of them." - MGU
They mined through the cave.
"AAAAAAAAAAGHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHH!!!!!11111!!!" - Some one cried.
"Is that you,C
To be continued...
Minecraft Girl Crafters
PrzygodoweMetsDoesMinecraft and Minecraft Girl Universe became friends and they went on the adventure to meet Sky and Jason. Found out MORE inside the story :D