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The next morning Ella woke up in a bed she was starting to know way too well, but it was comfiest the bed she had ever been in

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The next morning Ella woke up in a bed she was starting to know way too well, but it was comfiest the bed she had ever been in. She rolled over, Sebastian still asleep next to her, she softly smiled at how peaceful he looked, was she starting to crush on him? No, she shook the thought away.

Angela's words had messed with her head, making her question the relationship between them, the one which was once just sex.

Could it be more? No! She mentally scolded herself.

Ella shoved those thoughts to the very back of her head and sat up, holding the comforter to her chest, running her fingers through her hair, pushing it all in one direction.

"Good morning," a deep, sleepy voice came from behind her, a hand softly on her lower back, making her look over her shoulder.

"Morning," she smiled, moving to lay back down next to him, her hand on his bare chest, her chin resting on top of her hand.

"Wanna order some food?" he asked, one hand rubbing her back the other resting behind his head.

"I don't wanna invade on your day," Ella protested.

"It's fine, what do you want?" he asked with a smile, reaching for his phone.

"I'm fine with whatever," she smiled.

"Donuts?" he looked past his phone to meet her observing eyes.

"Sure," she smiled.

Sebastian ordered the donuts then the two made their way out to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

Ella sat on the counter, one of Sebastian's t-shirts covering her body while she watched him, her eyes took in every inch of his muscular back, faint red marks across his shoulder blades from her nails.

"Here ya go," he smiled turning around and handing her a full mug of coffee.

"Thank you," she softly smiled, taking the mug from him and taking a sip, tasting the faint sweetness, making a mental note that he remembered she only liked sugar in her coffee.

"So," his free hand lingered on her thigh as he stood between her legs, "What are you doing today?"

"It's my first actual day off in like three months so absolutely nothing," she smiled, holding her mug to her chest with both hands to warm herself up.

"I know some thing we could do to fill up some time," he smirked, lips meeting her skin right under her ear.

"I don't wanna overstay my welcome," she whispered, slowly setting down her mug behind her, slightly tilting her neck for him, his hands sliding up her thighs.

"I wouldn't offer if I didn't want you to stay," he mumbled between kisses.

The question of what they were doing popped into her head but she ignored it, letting her hand come to his neck, fingers running against his skin, his hands moving to hold her hips.

"Then I'm all yours," she smiled as he pulled away their blue eyes meeting before their lips crashed together, hungrily pressing together.

Sebastian didn't want to admit it to her but he was starting to like her company in more than a physical way, he wanted to actually get to know her. Not the high class business women she was at work or the submissive pillow princess she was in bed, he wanted to know the real Ella.

He let his hands slide up her torso, hands softly massaging her breast, finger tips gliding over her nipples as their lips meshed together.

Ella slid closer to the edge of the counter, her hand sliding over his boxers, teasing him, her lips leaving his, making their way across his jawline, a deep groan leaving his lips as her hand pressed against him.

Ella smirked at the noise, three cold fingers making their way into her, a gasp leaving her own lips, making her pull her face away from him, her baby blue eyes meeting his lustful ocean eyes as her hand slipped into the band of his boxers.

He smirked at her, his hand meeting the pace of her hand, his fingers curled, making Ella drop her head.

Sebastian used his free hand to lift her head back up, "Eyes on me"

Ella bit her lip nodding, her free hand holding his shoulder, their eyes holding each other's gaze while their hands picked up pace. Sebastian's brows knitted together as he tried to not focus on his own increasing pleasure.

A squeak left Ella's lips as his thumb drew circles on her clit, bringing her seconds away from her climax, walls squeezing around his fingers.

"One more minute," he instructed, making Ella tighten her grip on his shoulder as she kept stroking his hard, faster.

"Three," he counted, voice scratchy and deep.

"Two," her voice was breathy and soft.

They both waited a minute, letting the pleasure build a bit more before they both released, "One."

Ella relaxed back onto the counter, Sebastian leaning over her, hands on either side of her hips, while they both came down from the highs they just experienced, heads full of euphoria.

Sebastian's head hung just above Ella's breasts as she looked down him, "I've never done anything like that"

"Me either," he smiled looking up at her.

Ella spent the rest of the day there, just one of his t-shirts and her underwear on her body for hours, the two letting hours pass as they talked about small thing like if In-N-Out or Shake Shack was better, and bigger things like what was happening with the current economy, but still nothing personal.

The two just spent the day genuinely enjoying each other's company, especially physically.

Lust To Love // Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now