𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 11

572 18 15

(If there are any triggers I missed please tell me)

The detective woke up to the sound of some sort of liquid dripping on to concrete floor. (Speaking of which the song "Concrete" by Lovejoy is really good) He felt dazed, his vision blurred. His head hurt so much. He heard annoying ringing in his ears. He winced, and more liquid trickled on to the floor making a splattering noise. What was that?

Quackity's vision then became clear after a moment or two. He felt something cold and wet on his forehead area. He reached to touch it so he could identify what it was. But then found that he couldn't move.

(T/W bl00d)

The noirette was then horrified. Slightly. He realized that the cold liquid on his head was blood. His own blood. Oozing red. Falling down his forehead, dripping on to the ground. Has he hit his head?

(T/W ends)

As if things couldn't get scarier, he seemed to be in some basement. It looked dark and worn out, but not dirty or nasty. There weren't any rats or bugs or spiders like anything you'd expect to see. There was a single light bulb glowing in the presence of Quackity. Due to the small amount of light Alex could only make out a few things-

1. The door was surely ahead, he could see the door crack between the floor and the wood itself, glowing.
2. There weren't stairs for some reason.
3. He obviously had no way to communicate or ask for help.

"Well look who's awake!" Said a smooth voice from behind. Quackity instinctively turned around to see who it was. Not surprisingly, it was his friend, Wilbur Soot. "Why am I here, Wilbur." Quackity snapped almost immediately. He glowered at his "friend" whom he didn't even consider a friend anymore. "Aw, why so mad?" He replied with a fake disappointed face. "You fucking knocked me out, and now I'm in a goddamn basement, why else would I be mad?!" The angry 5'8 man screamed furiously.

"Are you done?" Wilbur then mumbled about ten minutes of silence later.

Quackity stared at his feet. The brunet took it as a signal for him to speak so he cleared his throat. "Listen, I want to guarantee you surely won't tell anyone."

Quackity looked at Wilbur suddenly. "And if I do?" He said quietly. "Then I'll hang your head in my room."

Alex gulped. "You wouldn't." He said quietly. "Who knows?" The tall British man laughed, a shit eating grin slowly stretching upon his face. "Nah, just kidding. I did all this for you." He smiled wider. "Excuse me?" Quackity replied, inching forward on the sturdy chair he was tied on to, rocking it slightly ahead, but not enough to fall over.. "Now everyone's out of the way." Wilbur continued, firmly forcing Quackity steady. "I can finally get what I want, without any bother. I can finally.. have... you. I can finally have you all to myself. All you need is to quit your job. And we can live together.. here... forever.." Wilbur said evily. Quackity was extremely disturbed by his friends loss of sanity. The detective looked horrified and mad all at once. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" He yelled aggressively, kicking his legs, trying to hit the murderer standing before him. "Shh, it's okay." Wilbur whispered gently.

"SOOT, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Alex yelped. And then he swung forwards, pushing his chair and fell. His jaw hit the ground hard. The noirette could feel the burning gaze of the brunet, whom was clearly disappointed. "Oh well then. I guess I'll just leave you here to die." Wilbur said sarcastically, pretending to leave.

(T/W bl00d and vi0l3nce)

That seems to convince the poor noirette. "NO! DON'T LEAVE ME, PLEASE HELP ME OUT OF THIS!" He screamed, frustrated. Wilbur sighed. What was the point of keeping the love of his life trapped in here if he wasn't going to be happy? He had no choice but to cut open the rope binding the detective down, and immediately the noirette tackled the murderer. "I'LL FUCKING TURN YOU IN AND MAKE SURE YOU ROT IN A JAIL CELL FOR THE REST OF YOUR GODDAMN LIFE" he screamed, punching Wilbur square on the nose giving the man a nosebleed. He wiped blood away. "For a detective, you sure are stupid. I probably hit your head too hard. I DID THIS ALL FOR YOU, DUMB FUCK, I DID THIS FOR US! SO WE COULD LIVE TOGETHER FOREVER! SO WE COULD DIE TOGETHER! AND BE TOGETHER FOR ALL OF ETERNITY, WITHOUT ANYONE HURTING YOU! I WENT THROUGH ALL THIS TROUBLE, AND THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT ME?!"

He yelled, punching Alex and slamming him against the hard wall. The noirette winced at the pain and glared at the man in front of him. "OH SO YOU'RE SHIFTING THE BLAME ON ME?!" He replied, furious. "DON'T LOOP ME INTO YOUR PATHETIC PROBLEMS, AND I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR HALF ASSED REASONINGS" he screamed, shoving Wilbur away and hurried to the exit only to realize it was locked. And the brunet had the keys.

And then a sense of panic washed over him as Wilbur approached. "Yeah. Know your place. Dumbass." Wilbur muttered, keys jingling. Quackity gritted his teeth and lunged at Wilbur who was ready to attack right back. The two tussled and tossed on the floor, both having intentions to harm the other.. or, at least Alex had intentions to hurt Wilbur.

And then with a slight faster movement, the detective ripped the keys from Wilbur's hand and ran towards the door, slamming the keys in and opening the door to leave, his hands shook so much he missed the keyhole and could feel Wilbur quickly running after him.

Quackity panicked as sweat dripped from his brow, trying not to rush and quickly open the door. Once he got out he ran into the daylight, so bright it took him a while to adjust. But that didn't matter. What mattered now was that there was a killer chasing him.

he ran as fast as he could, trying to hold back tears about what he had just witnessed. He had to get to the nearest police station quick.

But close behind him was the brunet, who was catching up quickly. Long legs were heard from behind. Tall people always have the advantage, Quackity used to say. He hated his height. But there wasn't much he could do but run and hope the psychopath won't catch up.

luckily for Alex he hurried off and found the police station, nearly missing it for a split second, he nearly collapsed at the front desk and began screaming at the top of his lungs. "THIS MAN IS TRYING TO KILL ME, HE'S FUCKING INSANE" he cried, slamming the door's keys onto the desk. The poor officer stared at Alex. He must've looked pretty manic himself.

Blood was trickling down his forehead but seemed to slowly dry up, he looks as if he hadn't slept in years, his glossy black hair messy and uncombed, his eyes were blood shot and wide. His knuckles were covered in red and there was a heavy gash on his cheek. "PLEASE, ARREST HIM" He screamed impatiently. "Okay, calm down sir, who is this man you're talking about?" The officer stood up slowly towards the panicking detective.

And just then, Wilbur ran in. "THIS MAN, HE TRIED TO KILL ME, HE'S KILLED MANY PEOPLE BEFORE, HE'S THAT MURDERER WHO WENT ON A KILLING SPREE, ARREST HIM!" Alex yelled, trembling. The officer stood still. "Calm down, sir. What's your name?" That was the last thing Quackity wanted to hear. He was angrier than ever and slammed his fist against the officer's white shinny desk.

"FUCKING ARREST THAT GUY." He repeated once again, the man yelled so loudly he could feel his throat burn. The officer still remained calm. "Sir, tell me your name." They asked sternly. Alex finally answered.

"A-Alex. Alex Quackity." He muttered looking away but then at Wilbur who shot him a angry yet manic smile as if it wasn't for the officer being there, he would've strangled the shit out of him. Immediately the poor detective turned back to the police. "Alright, Mr. Quackity."

(T/W ends)

Two officers pulled Wilbur away. "ALEX- WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, I DID ALL THIS FOR US, AND THEN THIS IS WHAT YOU DO?.."He screamed as he was thrown into a separate room which calmed down the panicked noirette.

"I know you can hear me, Alex. Please. I did this all for us. So we could be together. Forever."

Quackity could see him from a glass tinted window which separated the two rooms. The detective had no say in this. At least he had solved the case.

But his now ex friend's words would ring in his ears— forever.


Word count: 1277 words.
Finally. Last chapter.Sorry if it's bad :( how are you today? I hope you've been fine :D remember to drink water and eat food, take care of yourself! Have a wonderful day/night!

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