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At 'night'

Hueningkai and Riki who are basically close friends at this point, decided to host some sort of sleepover where you don't actually sleepover, between the guys in their room.

And guess who didn't show up.

"Can someone please bring
Beomieboomboom's ass here?!" Yeonjun groaned.

"I keep trying.. but he tells me to fuck off every time. Looks like I'll stay as a loyal member of the 'We hate Beomgyu' club." Hueningkai muttered as he sat on the floor after closing the door.

"Same!" Riki said. "We actually need more members to join. Yeonjun?"

"Nah I'm part of the 'We love Beomgyu' club!"

"Since when is THAT a thing?!"

"Since now! Even Taehyun joined it!"

"Huh since when?!" Taehyun blushed.

"Since now!"

Kai scoffed. "Anyway... Beomgyu is not playing this video game to the fullest.. He's supposed to be the center of attention yet he's secluding himself like this. Like when was the last time you guys had a conversation with him?"

"I never did." Soobin and Riki said at the same time.

"What does his voice even sound like?" Soobin added.

"No what I'm wondering is what could he possibly be doing right now that's so interesting for him not to come." Riki asked, not understanding Beomgyu.

"I'll go with sitting on his bed and staring at a wall." Shunsuke smirked.


Beomgyu was sitting on his bed, staring blankly at a wall. 'I can't believe it... it's already dark outside how am I supposed to sleep now?'

'I don't feel good in this game.. I miss Hyunjin..'

Something that should be seen as normal was sitting on a shelf in front of him, but with everything that's been going on we can easily call that thing disturbing instead of normal.

A flower.

There's a pretty flower on the shelf that hasn't always been there- its opened petals were staring right at Beomgyu.

'I swear flowers are haunting me.'


Shunsuke said. "By the way Yeonjun, thanks again for accepting my flower. I hope you're keeping it with you at all times~"

"I sure am!"

"Are you a florist Shunsuke?" Soobin asked with not so much playfulness in his voice, well of course, his boyfriend received a flower from another guy..

The younger giggled, "Nah... I mean you guys have cool possessions but I got a bouquet. I don't know want else to do with it other than give its flowers away you know.."

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