▹ System 1͎8͎༓

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───────・༓ ❦ ༓・───────

"I'm sorry that I forced that kiss upon you Taehyun... I'm sorry if it grossed you out that I involved our tongues... In case that was your first kiss, I'm sorry I stole it.."

Beomgyu hit the 90-degree bow mark. "I can't believe I had assured you that I won't be touching you without consent anymore and then I end up doing this. I'm tired of making you uncomfortable, I never mean to.."

Taehyun was standing still, at a complete loss for words or movements. The only vivid movement happening within him is his heartbeat.

Beomgyu has no idea that what he's doing now is only making the younger fall for him more. He's so sweet in Taehyun's eyes right now... The maroon haired didn't expect this from Beomgyu, he thought the older would start teasing him or just do/say something annoying.

His silence was making Beomgyu feel worse though..
So he thought that maybe justifying his action will loosen the tension.
"In the heat of that moment, k..kissing you was just the most effective thing I could think of doing to distract you... And I thought a peck wouldn't be enough so... I went a bit further.."

Beomgyu slowly stood straight, his eyes still looking down. With this new field of view, Taehyun's eyes immediately rendered to Beomgyu's lips and stayed there for a while.
These glossy, desirous, velvety pink lips that he's seeing at the moment are the same ones that were pressed against his some time ago....
Taehyun is slowly letting that hard to believe fact sink in.. "Uhh..."

"Are you mad?" Beomgyu mumbled and Taehyun was observing how his pretty lips are moving to say those words. "If you want to kill me I understand.. I'll let you do it.."
He was too focused on his lips and reminiscing the kiss that he didn't catch how puppy-like Beomgyu's eyes are right now, he feels so bad.

After a few seconds of silence.. Taehyun tore his gaze from there and chuckled as he waved his hand a bit. "No don't worry..!! Things would've gotten so out of hand if you hadn't done that, we could've even died. I should be thanking you actually haha.. hah......"

Beomgyu left such a deep sigh out, he has truly been on edge until now. "Oh thank god.. I thought you'd be completely through with me..."

"Haha... Never..! Friends and teammates till the end..! Hah.."

Beomgyu giggled. "Mhm... Oh and please let's keep this a secret. I can't imagine the hell we'll go through if Yoojung and Yeonjun find out. They're obsessed with gay shipping or whatever it is."

"Yep haha... Let's forget it all happened..! Hah....... Ha.."

"What's with the fake laughs Kang Taehyun?" He raised a brow.



Beomgyu said. "I think we should go without Asuka and let her join us later. The others are already doing the next game. There's a timer over there and we don't know how long it is or how hard that minigame is, we're already so late so I think we should go."



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