Chapter 2

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It was sunny outside. The sun glimmering in a soft glow, bathing the world and nature with its light. Seokjin is headed toward the cafe to get a cup of coffee on this beautiful sunny day. Somehow he is very cheerful today. Feeling fresh and good. Seems like something good gonna happen. But his mind couldn't grasp what the good thing could be?

Now all his worry is about maintaining his family. Paying rent, gas bill, the electric bill, his Mom's treatment to all. 'Would he be able to pay any of those today? Or get a better job?' He thought all of it while ordering a coffee for himself that would make him feel more collected and relaxed. His own medicine.

As Seokjin was sipping on his ordered coffee while looking outside of the big glass window, worries clouded in his mind that he was absent-minded. Didn't realise the presence in front of him now calling his name.

"Hyung!!!" Hoseok yelled a little, waving his hands in front of Seokjin's face, snapping Seokjin out of his headspace.

"Hob-ah? When you came here?" Seokjin asked, a little surprised by the presence of the man sitting opposite of him, his heart-shaped smile radiating like the sun. Bright and Joyful. He looks like a happy horse.

"I am here for like 3 minutes already! Calling your name but you are just a goner. Bruh" Hoeseok scoffed. But Seokjin just flashed him a small apologetic smile. Taking another sip of his coffee, Savouring the taste of bitter caffeine with a creamy texture, no sugar, just like he likes it. The coffee is great at making Seokjin's thoughts steadier.

Most people drink alcohol to keep their minds sane to get some temporary relief from tension and stress. But for Seokjin it's caffeine that helps him to make his mind oriented.

"So, Hyung how is Aunt doing?"

"She is good now. But still on medicines. Can't move by herself, yet."

"Ah~ I see." Hoseok hummed in understanding before looking out of the window. A minute or two passed in silence before Hoseok turned to Seokjin again. "Hyung-" and he paused, seeming hesitant. Seokjin just stared at him, encouraging him to continue, silently.

"Did you find a job yet?"

And Seokjin's movement stopped, stiffing a little bit but that's only for a second before he chuckled, shaking his head like the question didn't just awake all his past memories, kicking his mind like a storm that make his life a mess.

"No. I didn't. You know, after all, who wants to hire an ex-convict who is also a college dropout?" Seokjin tried to say jokingly but Hoseok knew better.

His face dropped. He feels desperate to help Seokjin but he doesn't know-how. After all, it's painful to admit but Seokjin is right none wanna hire someone like that even if it's a job of a convenience store worker.


But Seokjin cut him off. "Don't worry about Hyung, Hob-ah. I am fine. Just focus on your studies now. It's just a matter of a year before you graduate. I am sure I will find a job you know, Handsome face exists for a reason!"

Seokjin smiled, finishing his cup of coffee with the last sip. He tried to convince Hoseok cause he knows Hoseok would worry and feel guilty but Seokjin doesn't want that. He loves Hoseok too much to ruin his last University year by his stupid pressure. Hoseok is more like a brother to him after all even when they are just neighbours.

Seokjin sighed. Maybe not Hoseok. He is just convincing himself. Hoping he would get a job magically to seal up all his financial crises. And maybe magically enough just in time, his cellphone started ringing.

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