Chapter 3

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Mr Jeon was in his study, busy with a book and a cup of tea when Seokjin arrived. Two bulky men in black probably Ji Sung's bodyguard, checked Seokjin thoroughly to find if he was carrying any harmful objects and then motioned him to go inside.

"Ah~ come in Seokjin. It's been a while since I saw you." pushing his glasses down to his nose bridge, Mr Jeon looked up at Seokjin from his file.

"Good afternoon to you too, Mr Jeon," Seokjin said, posture straight and face blank.

Jeon Ji Sung eyed Seokjin for a while, so did Seokjin. They both held an intense stare. Somehow glaring at each other and none knew what they would get from this staring competition. Mr Jeon was the first to break eye contact. A small smirk formed on his lips.

"So, may I know why you wanted to see me after so many years?" Seokjin asked, face hardened like a stone and gaze fixed on the person in front of him, swivelling in the rest chair.

"You were in Jail for 2 years 6 months Jin. That's why it's such a long period."
Mr Jeon said taking off his glasses while motioning Seokjin to sit down but the latter stood still.

"And you know just exactly why I was there" jaw clenched Seokjin answered, his neck veins throbbing making it easier to understand Seokjin is holding back anger.

Me Jeon sighed leaning back on his armchair. Gaze fixed on Seokjin, he stretched his hand out on his right and a man handed him a black file. Throwing the file on the table, he signalled Seokjin to take look and Seokjin did. Curiosity taking over him, questioning his presence here all this while. And his eyes widened with shock and confusion.

"A contract?"

"Of being my son's bodyguard. Yes."

And Seokjin scoffed in disbelief. "What made you think that I would want to work under you?"

"Show me a reason why you won't? And it's not really a bodyguard thing. Mostly like a caretaker. A nanny for my 22-year-old son practically." Ji Sung said sarcastically.

And Seokjin wanted the world to swallow him. How bad time is going on in his life that someone is offering him to babysit their adult son?

It's crazy.


When the person offering him a job is the reason for his situation right now. It's crazy and bitter that this person still gets to peer directly at him eye to eye with confidence, with contentment, sitting there like he owns the life of all people. How dare he? How? After he broke his family like that? How? When for him his father had passed away. For whom his life is so fucked now.

Seokjin clenched the contact paper hard until it crumpled under his fist. With fire in his eyes, he threw the papers on the table, exhaling deeply. "I don't want to."

Jeon Ji Sung stared at him with a little smirk. The same smirk when he knows just how it will be turn out. When he shows that nothing affects him.

"Are you sure? Think carefully again. You would be enrolled in the Royals University studying your dream subject just from where you left it. Can get your mom admitted to one of our hospitals and I will afford all her medical treatments, medicine to everything with a nurse with her 24/7. You can visit her on your off duty too. And-"


Ji Sung stopped in his mid-sentence and looked at Seokjin who's now starting down on his shoes, both hands resting on his sides as he was clenching the fabric hard.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you offering this to me? What are you trying to prove?" He spat looking up. Seokjin was offered all the things he wish to do in his life that seems more like a dream now. And now everything he wishes for is being offered to him by the one who kind of took everything from him."

His eyes were shining red from anger? embarrassment? grief? Bitterness? Ji Sung couldn't figure out what the emotions the latter was feeling. He couldn't anymore. He couldn't read Seokjin anymore like he used to do.

"You need this job and I need you for this job." Ji Sung replied but this time his eyes showed a flash of sincerity instead of arrogance but Seokjin was not the one to buy it. He chuckled. Shaking his head sideways.

"Need you say? Need? No. You are wrong. The great Jeon Ji Sung doesn't need anyone. He can never need anyone. But he surely feels the need to cower away when people need him. This word doesn't suit you, Sir." Seokjin said sarcastically.

Jaw clenched Ji Sung glared at Seokjin. But he knows he can't do or say anything. He feels wrong. He knows it's wrong. And there is nothing he can do about that now. Pushing the armchair backwards, he stood up, shoving his hand on his pockets as he faced Seokjin at his eye level.

Both glared at each other for a minute before -" Come here if you change your mind." And Mr Jeon walked out of the room with his man following behind him. Leaving Jin alone in the room.

As Seokjin exhaled the deep shaky breath he was holding in, his hand trembled from the memories again flashing in. Those memories he was trying hard not to recall anymore. And move on from. His mother needs him.


To Be Continued


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