You're Perfect // Zianourry

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This was a prompt from @SaigeOfficial -
"What if the boys are at a concert, and then niall gets hate and the rest of the boys tell him it's okay and they fall in love or something... Idk this is probably a bad prompt, but yeah.😃"

Aw no it's not a bad prompt! I hope you like it! x


The 5 boys of One Direction were about to go on stage for their first show of the On The Road Again tour. Nerves were high as they wanted to make sure they topped their last tour.

They did their group huddle, singing nonsense before muttering encouraging words to each other and then made their way to the platform that would rise them up to the stage. As always, Niall was in the middle with his guitar, his excitement rubbing off on the other lads surrounding him as he bounced a little on his toes, muttering to himself and warming his fingers up by playing silly little tunes on the electric instrument.

As he was away in his own little world, Niall didn't notice the other four boys that were stood slightly behind him, admiring him fondly. It was obvious to everyone but the bubbly little blonde, that his four bandmates were head over heels for him. They always made sure from the very start when One Direction was formed, that Niall was cared for and looked after, always making sure that he was smiling and giggling because everyone knows that the worst thing anyone can witness is the sight of a sad and crying Irishman. But of course, being in the music industry meant that they couldn't escape everything that made Niall upset and sadly when they first begun Niall had taken the brunt of the hate. People seemed to pick on him and single him out more than the others purely because he was perceived as the 'cute one', 'the weak one', 'the sensitive one', so it was easier to break down his walls and prey on his insecurities. Niall's never been super confident with his body - he is more so now but when One Direction first started he was still that insecure, unconfident, little boy who wanted nothing more than to hide away in the background away from the cameras. But he couldn't and he knew that and so he had to sit and watch as people picked up on his crooked teeth and his bleached hair and his un-toned body, his voice which at the time wasn't as strong as some of the others because he was still so shy and inexperienced about being so exposed to everybody and the fact that he was the only one who wasn't British. Of course when this hate came around the others would always tell him to ignore it, to let it go and just forget about the haters because that's all they are - haters; jealous people who have nothing better to do with their lives so they sit behind a computer screen and type rude things to amazing people just because those people may be a little different to them, and "that's ok that you're different because different is good and if you weren't different you wouldn't be Niall and we love Niall" as Louis so bluntly but kindly put it.

As the years went on, Niall's physique changed naturally as he grew older, but also purposely; he got braces, he went to the gym and he worked even harder on improving his angelic voice. Some say it was to please the fans and Niall will admit, partly yes it was but he wanted to change for himself as well and he was happier as he saw the results. Of course the hate never fully stopped, they all get good amounts of it still, but it's normally shoved out of their eyes by the enormous amount of loving tweets and messages they receive, their Directioners telling them how proud they are of how far the boys have come, and really, that's all the boys focused on.

But as they all stood together on the small platform, it slowly raising to become level with the stage where the band was already waiting, the same nervous flutters they got every time began to appear and the adrenaline of excitement flowed through their veins. They could hear the roar of the crowd, feel the heat from the lights, the vibrations of the instruments. They loved it.

One Direction One Shots | Niall-centricOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora