"Trust Me UwU"

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Britain P.O.V

I was laying on the floor, my ass thoroughly yeeted. I slowly got up and discovered America and China making out on my floor. 

"Ummmmm.........mission...accomplished???" I said to myself.

I got up and carefully avoided the strange Amechu shit I was witnessing. I made some tea and went about my day.

America P.O.V

So, Britain kicked us out after two hours and I went home. China said he has to go 'rub this in Japan's face' or something. Maybe I should stop them before something bad happens. As I walk, I accidently slam into something quite large. I look up to see a slightly messy head of platinum blonde.

"Oops sorry bro" I say to the man.

"It is no big deal" The man said joyfully.

I had the slightest cringe on my face as I recognized the accent but decide to be the hero and stuff.

"Aha if it isn't Russia!" I say happily.

"It is me though"

"Well yeah but...never mind. Anyways...why are you here?"


"I see...." 

We stand there awkwardly for a few moments before Russia speaks again.

"America? I noticed that Japan and China have been following you recently."

"Yeahhhhh not really sure what's going on there, to be honest I don't even know how to handle it."

"Would you like some advice?"

"From you? I guess.... just nothing creepy"

"Of course, don't listen to anyone else about this, only you can decide what's right for your lonely capitalist heart. Whether it's your choice of vodka or people, the only one who knows you best is yourself."

"W-wow that was actually really helpful advice" I tried to ignore the 'lonely capitalist' part... "THANK YOU BRO!!!" I yelled cheerfully.

"No problem my friend..." 

Russia began walking away and I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy after he said that. I ignored the feeling and ran home. 

I arrived to find a strange bear on my couch, and A CLONE!!!!!!! No wait that's just Canada.

"Yo what're you doin' here bro?" I asked

"oh you know, just thought I'd stop by and talk, if that's airtight with you of course."

"Yeah! I'd totally love that!"

"oh good" suddenly his face got surprisingly serious, "Ok bitch heres the deal. I've seen whats been going on with you, China and Japan. And I have to say...it's great UwU. But I also saw you chattin' up Russia earlier on my way here, don't know how you didn't see me I was RIGHT BEHIND YOU, but I don't think you should trust Russia. AT ALL."

I sit there, stunned at what I just heard. 


"YES! I think he's trying to get you to trust him, and when you least expect it....he'll ATTCAK!".

"U-Um....h-he didn't s-s-seem like he w-wanted to do that..."

"HE'LL GET YOU TO BELIVE ANYTHING AMERICA, ANYTHING...SO DON'T TRUST HIM!" Canada suddenly hugs me "I'm your brother, so you can trust me..." he says softly. 

"Yes, your right...Russia is the villain after all he always is....in every fanfic- I MEAN in every situation...so I believe you Canada."

"Good, now I will give you some advice...you should be with Japan because he's nice and peaceful and China is a bit easily upset you know?"

"O-okay Canada, I trust you AND your advice! THANKS BRO!"

Canada leaves and I call Japan.

Man, I'm sure Japan will be happy knowing imma choose him! And it's all thanks to Canada, man Canada is so nice and could do no wrong :3

Hewo Hoebags :3

So It sure has been awhile, sorry 'bout that. I kinda had 0 motivation to write and I wanted to do other things. But now I'm working on something that requires some writing, so I'll be here a bit more. ALSO if there's anything I forgot in this chapter I'm sorry, truthfully, I didn't read through the story again.... this chapter is just to revive it I guess so yeah....

Thank You!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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