Britain Has Entered The Chat.

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Japan P.O.V

I was getting ready to meet with America, France sat me down and began to tell me to do.

"Okay, so first you must be confident, but not too confident, you must show a submissive side as well"

"Um, ok"


"Um, I apologize"




We both took a deep breath, and France continued

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm just really nervous"

"Shouldn't I be the nervous one-"

"Shshshshshshshshhshs my sweet Japan, I'm doing all the work here, thus I am the one who should be nervous"

I sighed and sank into my chair, my eyes drifted down to the notes France had been writing for me. Remember to always be alert, keep your eyes on America, make sure you LAUGH but not like America laugh, like giggle laugh. I silently read his notes to myself. I suddenly looked up, realizing I only have fifteen minutes before I need to see America.

"Oh shit! Thank you France, but I need to go!" I said while getting up and running to the door


And with that, I shut the door and ran.

China P.O.V

"Ugh, filthy Japan, he ruins EVERYTHING!" I yelled as I paced angrily around my room. "WHY!? WHY DOES AMERICA NEED TO 'THINK' ABOUT IT! I'M PERFECT! JAPAN'S A WEEB WHO READS HENTAI ALL DAY! ME, I'M NICE AND PRETTY AND KIND AND GENEROUS! WHY DOESN'T HE LOVE MEEEEE!" I yelled and flopped onto my bed, screeching into my pillow and kicking my legs up and down.

"Wow, you want some pigtails and skirt to go with this teenage freak out?"

"I AM NOT A TEENAGER!! SHUT UP YOU-wait who said that?"

"Tis I, your savior!" I turn and saw Britain, that bitch

"GET THE FUCK OOOUUUTTT!!!!!" I screamed and grabbed a nearby broom to shove up his ass

"Whoa whoa whoa calm down, look I'm here to help you with your...problem" He said with his hands up

"My problem?"

"Yes, your America problem"

"How do you know about that?"

"That is not important right now"

Britain took a seat, in one of MY chairs, and patted the one next to him. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to him. "What?" I asked

"Look, I know that you and America belong together, and I'm gonna give it to you straight, France is helping Japan try and seduce America"

My eyes lit up immediately, I was so angry I but my lip so hard I felt a small stream of blood flow down my chin. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN FRANCE IS HELPING JAPAN SEDUCE AMERICA!?"

"It means what it means, anyways I want to help you do the same~"

"Oh great, Japan gets France and I'm stuck with British Bastard over here" I rubbed my face and felt depression fill me


"Hah! Let me guess, you're gonna make me drug America huh?"

"U-um, no..." I saw him take a small bag of something out of his pocket and throw it behind him.

"DISGRACEFUL! SHAMEFUL! YOU NASTY HOEFACE BITCH!!!" I began hitting him across the head with the broom


I took great pleasure in hearing Britain's cries, and I eventually stopped. I couldn't get him to leave after that, so I forced him to promise not to suggest anything weird if he was going to help me out with America.

Hewo Hoebags :3

Kinda short, but I wanted to get another part out there...

Thank You..

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