Pt. 6 (idk what to call it)

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China P.O.V.

I ran up the street like a rabid Chihuahua on crack, I need to check on my precious, America. I can't let that freshly sucked dick head Japan take my husbands virginity, honestly I don't know if he's a virgin but...I'll find out. Japan can never love America the same way I do, I'd do whatever he wanted...within reason...

I finally made it to America's home, I was out of breath and sweating but that won't stop me. I jumped over his fence and into his backyard, I looked up and saw America's bedroom window. I memorized every single one of his window placements, I knew exactly which room they were in. I used my karate powers and jumped up the side of his house, I grabbed onto the sill of the window and peaked in. What I saw horrified me.

Japan P.O.V.

As I licked America's perfect neck, I made my way to his mouth. His mouth was wide open, he looked shocked but that was ok, I slowly brought my mouth to his and I had almost made contact until...


I heard the wild howls of China, he was very angry and honestly I was stunned. I didn't hear him come in, he's fucking quiet...I'll have to take note of that.

"oH ME? I was just about to find out what toothpaste America uses" I said smugly.

"LIKE HELL YOU ARE! YOU ARE COMING HOME WITH ME YOU STUPID FRICK HOLE!" He yelled, America still looked shocked and didn't move or do much of anything, shit I hope I didn't break him yet. China lunged toward me and grabbed my arm, I wasn't able to escape his crusty grasp.

"What the fuck, China? Why are you even here?" I said as he began to drag me out of the room.


"Shut the fuck up you can't make me leave asshole!" I yelled, but to no avail. I was already out of the house by the time I was finished.

"You know better than to try and sleep with the person your older brother wanted in him first" He said as he bobbed his finger up and down at me.

"And you know better than to interfere with my decisions MOM!" I said immaturely.

I ended up going home and so did China...I hope.

America P.O.V.

I sat there in my bed, my mouth was still open and I could still feel Japan's spit on my neck. I had no idea what just happened. 

"What the fuck? I thought this was just an innocent sleep over, I mean just two guys who happen to be very close friends sleeping in the same bed and slightly touching each other is completely innocent." I told myself. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up and made a quick snack. I thought about what had happened and believe it or not...I was okay with it, even a little disappointed it stopped. "Hmm...maybe I should call France or Britain for some advice...I'll wait til tomorrow...I need to figure this out..."

Random Ass France P.O.V.

"HOHIHOHNHONHOHONHHOHNHOHOHONHNHOH my camera in America's wall has just picked up some lovely footage...I must make sure this stuff continues within the walls of his house...UWU."

Hewo Hoebags :3

So this is kinda short but I wanted to get another part out there, I also might make a crack fic book, I also need to update my MolSeb fanfic...I have a lot to work on. One more thing I'm going to change the cover of this one cause I don't think a dude holding his cat wearing a cat mask makes sense.

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