Chp 1 - City's Greatest Hero

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Loud, annoying beeps filled the room as the pumpkin slowly awoke. His alarm didn't stop until he finally reached out and hit the big button on the top.

Jef rolled over to his other side, yawning loudly and stretching his limbs as far as possible. He silently debated whether he should even get up this day or stay in bed the entire day. Before he even made a decision, some unclear chanting was coming from outside his window. The brunette tiredly sat up and stared at the window, curtains still squeezing tightly against one another. After a minute or two Jef slid to the edge of his bed and got up, stretching his back and limbs again.

The chanting from outside still hadn't stopped, and the pumpkin quickly got tired of it and harshly pulled the curtains away from the window.

A large group of people were outside holding up posters and waving excitedly. It was nice, yes, maybe even adoring. But Jef didn't want loud shouting from the very beginning of the morning, so he quickly waved and smiled, shutting the curtains after and plopping onto his bed. He didn't quite understand why people even had the idea of coming to his house at 7 in the morning, but he sure didn't like it.

As the cheering slowly stopped, the brunnete finally had the courage to get up, get dressed, eat, and do the basic things he wanted to do in the morning but sometimes never even got the chance to.

After a successful breakfast, he was left with nothing to do. Jef decided to leave his laundry for later, and didn't have any other chores to complete for the day. After some deep thoughts on what his day would be like, the pumpkin man had decided to go on a short walk and maybe stop by to the shops to treat himself. Even heroes deserve breaks often.

Jef rushes over to his coat hanger to get his brown, puffy jacket. It was just the middle of autumn and it was already getting much colder, worse than last year. Jef thought to himself how it was strange that there were much fewer villian attacks during winters. Although there were still a couple, the one person who always seemed to cause a majority them just never seemed to appear during that specific season.

The pumpkin continued to think about that topic as he put in his boots. To his knowledge, the entire winter season is almost like a vacation for him, and seeing how it'll be the end of autumn soon, he couldn't wait till it was finally over. He couldn't wait to get a break from so much fighting and finally rest in his own home.

After much thinking, he finally unlocked his front door, and went out for a hopefully peaceful morning walk.

Colourful leaves were piled up around his front garden, and quietly crunched as Jef walked over them, taking a left turn to where a small park was located. The sky was coloured fully with a grey tone instead of a calming vibrant blue.

He passed many stores on his way which he spends his time in a lot. Including a local coffee shop, a small corner shop which contained many delicious sweets and even a cozy toy store (he has quite a lot of plushies in his room). Whilst walking through the near centre of the city, many familiar faces recognised the tall pumpkin man. Many waved, some young children pointed in excitement, oh how lovely the city folk were towards Jef. It was hard to hate him from his joyful personality and heroic actions.

It was nice having so many people show kindness on the streets, Jef found so many people extremely welcoming. It was hard to believe that all these people were all so kind, some could potentially be trouble. Before he thought about that any longer, the male snapped out of the "trouble" thought. He felt as if he most likely was overthinking and there truly were good individuals all around. He just met a few specific trouble makers that though he seems calm most of the time, Jefs also cautious and having his guard up a lot.

The nearby bakerys let out hypnotising, pleasant scents of freshly baked goods. The wind carried the smells all the way through the streets, which made the male a bit hungry.

The smells were all pleasant. Jef took a big inhale and slowly exhaled as he felt his body relax at the calm atmosphere.

It was peaceful. It was pleasant. It was nice. And as the pumpkin stood still for a moment, he noticed a slight change in the atmosphere. The calming smell started to form into a strange, unclear smokey scent. Almost like being in a barbecue, except there was no mouth watering meat to be noticed. But it smelled like burning.

The moment Jef realised what was happened, he immediately started sprinted towards the direction where the stink got stronger. As he got closer to the destination, faint screams were heard from all around. He felt a sudden preasure build onto him. It was clear that he had a job to do, although he was hoping to get a day off. Once he got to the main building on fire, Jef noticed a figure sitting on top of the several story establishment. He squinted slightly to get a better look, and once he recognised several of the features, he had the expression of both frustration and anxiousness.

Just as Jef was about to send his vines, the horned being took off, falling onto a different close-by building and sprinting away to where the pumpkin could not see

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Just as Jef was about to send his vines, the horned being took off, falling onto a different close-by building and sprinting away to where the pumpkin could not see. Jef had no choice but to go after, knowing he needed to at least make the villainous individual stop his doings for a while.

Just as the figure ran out of sight, Jef jumped in the air and summoned a thick vine, sending him up the way the individual ran off to.

When the male got to the top of the building, he couldn't see the figure anymore. He didn't give up yet. He ran the direction the other went, and soon caught up. The other quickly looked back, and shown a mischievous smirk to the pumpkin. As both sprinted in the chase, the pure white demon lifted his hand in the direction of Jef, and in a split second, out came blazing hot blue flames. Jef immediately took a sharp turn, feeling the intense heat almost grip onto him.

It took no time for the hero to get more frustrated, sending sharp vines with thorns right at the other, gripping onto his right leg. The angel tripped, smacking his face against the cold roof, letting out a loud groan of pain. He quickly looked at the vine holding him tight on his leg, and with no hesitation, surrounded himself in a sphere of fire. This gave Jef a slight shock, letting the vine slightly loose of the others leg. The flames had dark smoke coming out, giving Jef a distraction as the demon properly got the vine off of him.

After the deep smoke has cleared, Jef noticed that the villian was no longer on the ground, but already in the air, his giant, feathered wings flapped harshly. The figures nose and cheeks had blood slowly dripping down along with some scratches and sweat. The demon slowly wiped some blood off, giving a small smirk to the other. Before Jef could perform another action, the feathered villian spoke out for the first time in ages, his deep voice was annoying, yet also somehow calming.

".. Just can't get enough of me... Can you?"

The pumpkin sent out a quick vine, which the demon easily dodged in the air.

"with you around causing trouble for all this time, it's like you're wanting me to pay you all this attention"

The winged man chuckled quietly to himself, and as he noticed Jefs guard was down, he immediately tossed a fireball out of his bare hands and flew off into the distance. Jef merely dodged it, falling onto the ground and getting scratches all over him. Once the man was no more than a little dot in the sky, the pumpkin knew he once again failed to properly stop the villian, though at least he won't come back soon.

Before leaving to help out with the flaming buildings, he muttered a quick word to himself.

"see you again.. Good..."

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