Chp 3 - Outside In The Fields

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Though many thought the scary and powerful villian must have lived in some unique place such as a ginormous haunted mansion or maybe some castle on top of the tallest mountains, but it most definitely was not the case. In fact, Good, or full name Goodboyhalo, lived pretty close to the city. It'd be a shock that he still wasn't found, but seeing how he escapes through different ways and sometimes in different streets, it's hard to tell where he even goes. He just knows this trick where he flies towards the horizon, then after some time comes back in a different direction where nobody will see him.

After his successful escape, he lands right next to his little house with some forestry behind it. It had only one floor and not many rooms, but it was enough for Good as he lived alone.

It wasn't very well-built, but Good could not find anywhere else to live.

Inside didn't look much better. It had a broken fridge, a completely worn out bed, a couch with several springs popping out, a small TV that hardly worked, and a bunch of other stuff that was broken, dirty and not much was exactly new. But he did have some small things that were absolutely priceless. Stolen jewellery, minerals and all the shiny things we could get his hands on. Gbh loved shiny and sparkly things just because he saw a lot of value in them, and he liked having something nice around.

As the male went inside, he immediately sat down on his very nice
couch and grinned at his new stolen items. The hybrid got a hold of a couple rings, taken directly off of some poor woman's hands. He gazed at the jewellery for a moment, obviously quite proud of himself.

After the angel was done with staring at his new possession, he got up and went over to his little wooden box of stolen rings. It was filled with golden rings, silver rings, rings with shiny rocks, Good couldn't care less, if they're somewhat expensive and shiny, he'll take it. He ran his fingers through the expensive metals, his tail wagging from the excitement of seeing so much gorgeous jewels. He couldn't help but laugh out his success.

"ooooooh to be so fucking rich~  I bet there's so many bitches out there who'd envy me sooo much!"

Laughter has followed after his little speech, he felt great and powerful.

Rings also weren't the only things he had so much of. He had all kinds of jewellery and even pure minerals stuffed in boxes around his home. He hid most in a small one to two meter wide storage space under his floors. He made sure his precious stolen items were well protected in case he gets robbed or something else happens, quite ironic, as he's the one who's usually the one stealing.

As the male was about to put away his treasures he stopped for a moment to think to himself. Is this really what he wanted to do for the rest of his life? Alas, he can live for thousands and thousands of years, what'll he do after he gets bored of this? His reputation would get bad enough that he'd have to move away to some other country to maybe get seen as a normal citizen and not a filthy criminal.

These thoughts continued to run through his head. There was a solution he came up with. Fuck it and live how you want to.

He quickly got back to putting his jewels away whilst whistling a joyful tune.

Good looked out his "window", which was really just a huge crack in the wall, to see it already seemed to be getting dark. Most of his day he flew around to lose track of Jef and burn some innocent persons house somewhere in a field. Although his stomach growled loudly, the demon refused to eat any of the horrible expired food that for some reason remained in his broken fridge for a concerning amount of days. Instead he wanted to sit on the rusty roof of the shack and stare into the sky. It made him feel better for an unknown reason.

The crossbreed went outside and climbed onto the roof from the help of a bunch of rusty but working pipes, accidentally scratching his tail against some thin metal. It bled a bit, but seeing how badly he got hurt from earlier, he decided to ignore it and sat on the least slippy spot on the messed up roof. He brought his knees close and wrapped his arms around them for extra comfort and warmth. The temperature started getting colder by each minute, but despite his body freezing and bleeding, Goods lack of self care ignored all the pain.

Good slowly pressed his back again some roof tiles and watched as stars began appearing in the dim sky. The giant fireballs in space were shining brightly, making the hybrid more calm and focused on what was out there. He felt almost happy, though it was hard to forget about the coldness and pain he caused himself just to gaze upon this shining yet dark atmosphere.

He stayed up on the roof for a couple more minutes until he finally gave in to his body begging for warmth. The male scooted over to the edge, hesitating for a bit until jumping off and back into his somewhat protective shack.

Good snatched some bandages off a tilted shelf, and started wrapping it around his injuries, including his tail, arms and legs. Although he had a couple messy cuts across his face, he wasn't bothered enough taking care of them from exhaustion. His walking got wonky, and soon enough he was stumbling over to his bed, pulling his covers over himself after he properly sat down.

The angel turned over to where he could see most of his sad little house. He expected so much better for a home, but Good knew he couldn't get anything he wanted just yet. For now, he'd have to deal with rain getting inside and drenching his couch. He stared until his eyes started closing more and more, till he finally let his body and mind rest in sleep.

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