Chp 4 - A Small Mystery

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Jefs pov

I woke up to an incredibly loud bang outside. Immediately I sat up in shock and fright, getting off my bed and running over to my window. It was a very sunny morning and a warm one too, but in the distance there clouds of such dark colours. Lightning occasionally struck down whilst the rain was clearly horrible.

My only wish at the moment is that the lightning doesn't spread to the city, thankfully it's only at the hills and fields around the horizon.

A loud sigh came out of my mouth, I didn't want to deal with any fires that would appear if the bad weather did come around here.

I backed away and went downstairs to the kitchen. When I saw it, it sadly didn't magically clean itself from yesterday. I picked up the left over ingredients and silverware, placing them into their correct places in the cupboards and drawers. It took a bit longer than expected to clean up some stuff from the counters, I felt too tired to do it all quickly without pausing and standing around often.

After I have finished my small chore, I finally got the chance to make myself breakfast as I first intended. There wasn't that much in the fridge, even though I was at the store not that long ago. Maybe days were going by too quickly for me. Something constantly had to happen almost each day, no wonder I keep losing track of time. A simple buttered toast was fine, although if I actually want energy I should be eating more. Instead of one, I pulled two pieces of bread out the bread box and slipped them into the toaster.

3rd person.. POV ig

As a way to kill time, Jef picked up his low battery phone from the nearby kitchen counter and looked through the news websites. He didn't really enjoy scrolling through dozens of articles, but he needed to in a way. Most articles might be completely irrelevant to the pumpkin man, some even ridiculously stupid, but the occasional informational ones about his city's state were somewhere in there. He had only a couple of friends that he didn't get to talk to all that much, so getting any news from them didn't happen often.

At that moment, Jef started to feel somewhat miserable. He wasn't sure why though. A wave of sadness washed over him, a sudden frown appearing on his face. He tapped his counter slowly as he leaned into it a little more. He wasn't really reading most of the articles by then, more like dragging his eyes through the text and not taking much in. Just doing these little things almost seemed like chores, which didn't make much sense to him. He did way more tiring things than just read and gather information in. He felt as if he was getting lazy, which Jef did not approve of himself.

The male turned off his phone with a small click, and slowly placed it down. He stared at his kitchen, then brought his eyes to meet the living room. It seemed so empty to him, not exactly by the lack of furniture, but the lack of people. He lived alone, with no pets nor occasional guests to bring a speck of joy. Jef could hardly think, the silence was draining his positive feelings and reversing them. He couldn't even remember the last time someone visited him. More than a short week, and more than a long month.

The pumpkin man could only think of himself all of a sudden. Was he craving affection, a nice laugh, or simply just some company? He tried texting his friends a few days ago, asking if they could hang out soon. Of course they said they were busy. He didn't exactly blame them though. Most of his friends were also heroes, with their own tasks and their own specific problems. He just wished he could meet them soon again. He felt like the whole autumn season was draining his happiness away, and with winter coming, he'll probably just sit alone in his small one story house as per usual.

Jef thought about turning on the tv, wanting to see if his favourite show had gotten a new episode, and as he got out of his leaning position, a loud but quick knock was heard from his front door. He got a slight shock from it, freezing for a second and hearing a few quick footsteps which soon became distant.

He got curious, and went over to his door, placing in his keys and unlocking the door.

Nobody was there, and the street was incredibly empty. Jef looked left and right, first assuming it was some young kids prank before noticing a piece of paper on the ground, along with a single detailed flower.

It was a surprise for sure. He never got a random note on his doorstep, and it seemed a bit suspicious. Jef cautiously bent down and picked up the mystery note and flower, first looking at the flower with interest. It was colourful and beautiful, looked like something that wouldn't grow around his place.

Then he looked at the note. It was slightly crumpled and appeared to have been torn off of something, like a diary or notebook. In the middle, the words were a bit messy and hard to read.

"Your nice and i hate you"

Jef first snickered at the spelling mistakes, seeing that the anonymous person misspelled 'you' at first and crossed it off. He stared at the note for a second and he stopped smiling. Who would send him this? Someone out there hated him for being nice, and it really confused Jef. He didn't understand the meaning of having this note given to him, and he most definitely didn't know who send him it. But at the very least, he got a nice flower which still had some of its roots.

Jef went back into his house, locking it behind him, and placed his small gift and strange note on his coffee table. He sat back in his couch and stared at the objects. It was a very random and strange occasion, but it sure brought his mood up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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